+++ /dev/null
-; Oric Telemon definition
-; Telemon 2.4
-; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-; Constants
-SCREEN_XSIZE = 40 ; screen columns
-SCREEN_YSIZE = 28 ; screen rows
-FNAME_LEN = 11 ; maximum length of file-name
-; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-; Zero page
-; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-; Low memory
-; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-; I/O locations
-; 6522
-.struct VIA ; Versatile Interface Adapter
- .res $0300
-PRB .byte ; Port Register B
-PRA .byte ; Port Register A
-DDRB .byte ; Data Direction Register B
-DDRA .byte ; Data Direction Register A
-T1 .word ; Timer 1
-T1L .word ; Timer 1 Latch
-T2 .word ; Timer 2
-SR .byte ; Shift Register
-ACR .byte ; Auxiliary Control Register
-PCR .byte ; Peripheral Control Register
-IFR .byte ; Interrupt Flags Register
-IER .byte ; Interrupt Enable Register
-PRA2 .byte ; Port Register A without handshaking
-; 6551
-.struct ACIA ; Asynchronous Communications Interface Adapter
- .res $031C
-DATA .byte
-STATUS .byte
-CMD .byte ; Command register
-CTRL .byte ; Control register
-SCREEN := $BB80
-; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-; ROM entries
-XWR0 := $10
-XWSTR0 := $14
+++ /dev/null
-; Oric Telemon definition
-; Telemon 2.4
-; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-; Constants
-SCREEN_XSIZE = 40 ; screen columns
-SCREEN_YSIZE = 28 ; screen rows
-FNAME_LEN = 11 ; maximum length of file-name
-; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-; Zero page
-; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-; Low memory
-; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-; I/O locations
-; 6522
-.struct VIA ; Versatile Interface Adapter
- .res $0300
-PRB .byte ; Port Register B
-PRA .byte ; Port Register A
-DDRB .byte ; Data Direction Register B
-DDRA .byte ; Data Direction Register A
-T1 .word ; Timer 1
-T1L .word ; Timer 1 Latch
-T2 .word ; Timer 2
-SR .byte ; Shift Register
-ACR .byte ; Auxiliary Control Register
-PCR .byte ; Peripheral Control Register
-IFR .byte ; Interrupt Flags Register
-IER .byte ; Interrupt Enable Register
-PRA2 .byte ; Port Register A without handshaking
-.struct VIA2 ; Versatile Interface Adapter
- .res $0320
-PRB .byte ; Port Register B
-PRA .byte ; Port Register A
-DDRB .byte ; Data Direction Register B
-DDRA .byte ; Data Direction Register A
-T1 .word ; Timer 1
-T1L .word ; Timer 1 Latch
-T2 .word ; Timer 2
-SR .byte ; Shift Register
-ACR .byte ; Auxiliary Control Register
-PCR .byte ; Peripheral Control Register
-IFR .byte ; Interrupt Flags Register
-IER .byte ; Interrupt Enable Register
-PRA2 .byte ; Port Register A without handshaking
-; 6551
-.struct ACIA ; Asynchronous Communications Interface Adapter
- .res $031C
-DATA .byte
-STATUS .byte
-CMD .byte ; Command register
-CTRL .byte ; Control register
-SCREEN := $BB80
-; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-; ROM entries
-; primitives telemon 2.4
-XRD0 := $08
-XRDW0 := $0c
-XWR0 := $10
-XWSTR0 := $14
-XTEXT := $19
-XHIRES := $1A
-XMINMA := $1f
-XFREAD := $27 ; only in TELEMON 3.0
-XOPEN := $30 ; only in TELEMON 3.0
-XCOSCR := $34 ; switch off cursor
-XCSSCR := $35 ; switch on cursor
-XCLOSE := $3a ; Close file
-XFWRITE:= $3b ; write
-XSONPS := $40
-XOUPS := $42
-XPLAY := $43
-XSOUND := $44
-XMUSIC := $45
-XZAP := $46
-XSHOOT := $47
-XCIRCL := $8f
-XCURSE := $90
-XEXPLO := $9c
-XPING := $9d
-XPAPER := $92
-XINK := $93
-; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-; Page 00
-RES := $00
-RESB := $02
-TR0 := $0c
-TR1 := $0d
-PTR_READ_DEST := $2c ; used for XFREAD and XWRITE
-HRSX := $46
-HRSY := $47
-HRS1 := $4D
-HRS2 := $4F
-HRS3 := $51
-HRS4 := $53
-HRS5 := $55
-; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-; Page $500
-BUFNOM := $517
-BUFEDT := $590
-; Hardware
-CH376_DATA :=$340
-CH376_COMMAND :=$341
-.macro BRK_TELEMON value
- .byte $00,value
--- /dev/null
+; Oric Telemon definition
+; Telemon 2.4 & Telemon 3.0
+; For telemon 3.0 check http://orix.oric.org
+; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+; Constants
+SCREEN_XSIZE = 40 ; screen columns
+SCREEN_YSIZE = 28 ; screen rows
+FNAME_LEN = 11 ; maximum length of file-name
+; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+; Zero page
+; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+; Page 00
+RES := $00
+RESB := $02
+TR0 := $0C
+TR1 := $0D
+PTR_READ_DEST := $2D ; used for XFREAD and XWRITE only in telemon 3.0
+HRSX := $46
+HRSY := $47
+HRS1 := $4D
+HRS2 := $4F
+HRS3 := $51
+HRS4 := $53
+HRS5 := $55
+; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+; Low memory
+; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+; I/O locations
+; 6522
+.struct VIA ; Versatile Interface Adapter
+ .res $0300
+PRB .byte ; Port Register B
+PRA .byte ; Port Register A
+DDRB .byte ; Data Direction Register B
+DDRA .byte ; Data Direction Register A
+T1 .word ; Timer 1
+T1L .word ; Timer 1 Latch
+T2 .word ; Timer 2
+SR .byte ; Shift Register
+ACR .byte ; Auxiliary Control Register
+PCR .byte ; Peripheral Control Register
+IFR .byte ; Interrupt Flags Register
+IER .byte ; Interrupt Enable Register
+PRA2 .byte ; Port Register A without handshaking
+.struct VIA2 ; Versatile Interface Adapter
+ .res $0320
+PRB .byte ; Port Register B
+PRA .byte ; Port Register A
+DDRB .byte ; Data Direction Register B
+DDRA .byte ; Data Direction Register A
+T1 .word ; Timer 1
+T1L .word ; Timer 1 Latch
+T2 .word ; Timer 2
+SR .byte ; Shift Register
+ACR .byte ; Auxiliary Control Register
+PCR .byte ; Peripheral Control Register
+IFR .byte ; Interrupt Flags Register
+IER .byte ; Interrupt Enable Register
+PRA2 .byte ; Port Register A without handshaking
+; 6551
+.struct ACIA ; Asynchronous Communications Interface Adapter
+ .res $031C
+DATA .byte
+STATUS .byte
+CMD .byte ; Command register
+CTRL .byte ; Control register
+SCREEN := $BB80
+; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+; ROM entries
+; primitives telemon 2.4
+XRD0 = $08
+XRDW0 = $0C
+XWR0 = $10
+XWSTR0 = $14
+XTEXT = $19
+XFREAD = $27 ; only in TELEMON 3.0
+XOPEN = $30 ; only in TELEMON 3.0
+XCOSCR = $34 ; switch off cursor
+XCSSCR = $35 ; switch on cursor
+XCLOSE = $3A ; only in TELEMON 3.0 Close file
+XFWRITE = $3B ; only in TELEMON 3.0 write file
+XSONPS = $40
+XOUPS = $42
+XPLAY = $43
+XSOUND = $44
+XMUSIC = $45
+XZAP = $46
+XSHOOT = $47
+XCURSE = $90
+XPING = $9D
+XPAPER = $92
+XINK = $93
+; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+; Page $500
+BUFNOM := $517
+BUFEDT := $590
+; Hardware
+CH376_DATA :=$340
+CH376_COMMAND :=$341
+.macro BRK_TELEMON value
+ .byte $00,value
+++ /dev/null
- __ORIXHDR__: type = import;
- __STACKSIZE__: type = weak, value = $0800; # 2K stack
- __RAMEND__: type = weak, value = $9800 + $1C00 ;
- ZP: file = "", define = yes, start = $00E2, size = $001A;
- ORIXHDR: file = %O, type = ro, start = $0000, size = $001F;
- BASHEAD: file = %O, define = yes, start = $0801, size = $000D;
- MAIN: file = %O, define = yes, start = __BASHEAD_LAST__, size = __RAMEND__ - __MAIN_START__;
- BSS: file = "", start = __ONCE_RUN__, size = __RAMEND__ - __STACKSIZE__ - __ONCE_RUN__;
- ZEROPAGE: load = ZP, type = zp;
- ORIXHDR: load = ORIXHDR, type = ro;
- STARTUP: load = MAIN, type = ro;
- LOWCODE: load = MAIN, type = ro, optional = yes;
- CODE: load = MAIN, type = ro;
- RODATA: load = MAIN, type = ro;
- DATA: load = MAIN, type = rw;
- INIT: load = MAIN, type = rw;
- ONCE: load = MAIN, type = ro, define = yes;
- BASTAIL: load = MAIN, type = ro, optional = yes;
- BSS: load = BSS, type = bss, define = yes;
- CONDES: type = constructor,
- label = __CONSTRUCTOR_TABLE__,
- count = __CONSTRUCTOR_COUNT__,
- segment = ONCE;
- CONDES: type = destructor,
- label = __DESTRUCTOR_TABLE__,
- count = __DESTRUCTOR_COUNT__,
- segment = RODATA;
- CONDES: type = interruptor,
- label = __INTERRUPTOR_TABLE__,
- count = __INTERRUPTOR_COUNT__,
- segment = RODATA,
- import = __CALLIRQ__;
+++ /dev/null
- __ORIXHDR__: type = import;
- __STACKSIZE__: type = weak, value = $0800; # 2K stack
- __RAMEND__: type = weak, value = $9800;
- ZP: file = "", define = yes, start = $00E0, size = $001A;
- ORIXHDR: file = %O, type = ro, start = $0000, size = $001F;
- BASHEAD: file = %O, define = yes, start = $0801, size = $000D;
- MAIN: file = %O, define = yes, start = __BASHEAD_LAST__, size = __RAMEND__ - __MAIN_START__;
- BSS: file = "", start = __ONCE_RUN__, size = __RAMEND__ - __STACKSIZE__ - __ONCE_RUN__;
- ZEROPAGE: load = ZP, type = zp;
- ORIXHDR: load = ORIXHDR, type = ro;
- STARTUP: load = MAIN, type = ro;
- LOWCODE: load = MAIN, type = ro, optional = yes;
- CODE: load = MAIN, type = ro;
- RODATA: load = MAIN, type = ro;
- DATA: load = MAIN, type = rw;
- INIT: load = MAIN, type = rw;
- ONCE: load = MAIN, type = ro, define = yes;
- BASTAIL: load = MAIN, type = ro, optional = yes;
- BSS: load = BSS, type = bss, define = yes;
- CONDES: type = constructor,
- label = __CONSTRUCTOR_TABLE__,
- count = __CONSTRUCTOR_COUNT__,
- segment = ONCE;
- CONDES: type = destructor,
- label = __DESTRUCTOR_TABLE__,
- count = __DESTRUCTOR_COUNT__,
- segment = RODATA;
- CONDES: type = interruptor,
- label = __INTERRUPTOR_TABLE__,
- count = __INTERRUPTOR_COUNT__,
- segment = RODATA,
- import = __CALLIRQ__;
--- /dev/null
+ __ORIXHDR__: type = import;
+ __STACKSIZE__: type = weak, value = $0800; # 2K stack
+ __RAMEND__: type = weak, value = $9800;
+ ZP: file = "", define = yes, start = $00E0, size = $001A;
+ ORIXHDR: file = %O, type = ro, start = $0000, size = $001F;
+ BASHEAD: file = %O, define = yes, start = $0801, size = $000D;
+ MAIN: file = %O, define = yes, start = __BASHEAD_LAST__, size = __RAMEND__ - __MAIN_START__;
+ BSS: file = "", start = __ONCE_RUN__, size = __RAMEND__ - __STACKSIZE__ - __ONCE_RUN__;
+ ZEROPAGE: load = ZP, type = zp;
+ ORIXHDR: load = ORIXHDR, type = ro;
+ STARTUP: load = MAIN, type = ro;
+ LOWCODE: load = MAIN, type = ro, optional = yes;
+ CODE: load = MAIN, type = ro;
+ RODATA: load = MAIN, type = ro;
+ DATA: load = MAIN, type = rw;
+ INIT: load = MAIN, type = rw;
+ ONCE: load = MAIN, type = ro, define = yes;
+ BASTAIL: load = MAIN, type = ro, optional = yes;
+ BSS: load = BSS, type = bss, define = yes;
+ CONDES: type = constructor,
+ label = __CONSTRUCTOR_TABLE__,
+ count = __CONSTRUCTOR_COUNT__,
+ segment = ONCE;
+ CONDES: type = destructor,
+ label = __DESTRUCTOR_TABLE__,
+ count = __DESTRUCTOR_COUNT__,
+ segment = RODATA;
+ CONDES: type = interruptor,
+ label = __INTERRUPTOR_TABLE__,
+ count = __INTERRUPTOR_COUNT__,
+ segment = RODATA,
+ import = __CALLIRQ__;
+++ /dev/null
-<!doctype linuxdoc system>
-<title>Oric Telemon 2.4 -specific information for cc65
-<url url="mailto:greg.king5@verizon.net" name="Greg King">
-An overview over the Telemon 3.0 runtime system as it is implemented for the cc65 C
-<!-- Table of contents -->
-This software is provided 'as-is', without any expressed or implied
-warranty. In no event will the authors be held liable for any damages
-arising from the use of this software.
-Permission is granted to anyone to use this software for any purpose,
-including commercial applications, and to alter it and redistribute it
-freely, subject to the following restrictions:
-<item> The origin of this software must not be misrepresented; you must not
- claim that you wrote the original software. If you use this software
- in a product, an acknowledgment in the product documentation would be
- appreciated but is not required.
-<item> Altered source versions must be plainly marked as such, and must not
- be misrepresented as being the original software.
-<item> This notice may not be removed or altered from any source
- distribution.
+++ /dev/null
-<!doctype linuxdoc system>
-<title>Oric Telestrat-specific information for cc65
-<url url="mailto:jede@oric.org" name="Jede">,<newline>
-An overview over the Telestrat (telemon 3.0 : http://orix.oric.org) runtime system as it is implemented for the cc65 C
-<!-- Table of contents -->
-<!-- Begin the document -->
-This file contains an overview of the Telestrat runtime system as it comes with the
-cc65 C compiler. It describes the memory layout, Telemon3.0-specific header files,
-available drivers, and any pitfalls specific to that platform.
-Please note that Telemon3.0-specific functions are just mentioned here, they are
-described in detail in the separate <url url="funcref.html" name="function
-reference">. Even functions marked as "platform dependent" may be available on
-more than one platform. Please see the function reference for more
-<sect>Binary format<p>
-The standard binary output format generated by the linker for the Telemon 3.0 target
-is a machine language program with a 20 bytes header described here : http://orix.oric.org/doku.php?id=orix:header
-<sect>Memory layout<p>
-In the standard setup, cc65-generated programs use the memory from
-$0801 to $9800; so, nearly 37K of memory (including the stack) is
-available. ROM calls are possible without further precautions.
-Special locations:
- <tag/Stack/
- The C runtime stack is located at $97FF (or $B3FF), and grows
- downwards.
- <tag/Heap/
- The C heap is located at the end of the program, and grows towards the C
- runtime stack.
-<sect>Platform-specific header files<p>
-Programs containing Telemon 3.0 -specific code may use the <tt/telemon.h/ header file.
-<sect1>Telemon 3.0-specific functions<p>
-The functions listed below are special for the Telemon 3.0. See the <url
-url="funcref.html" name="function reference"> for declaration and usage.
-<sect1>Hardware access<p>
-The following pseudo variables declared in the <tt/atmos.h/ header file do allow
-access to hardware located in the address space. Some variables are
-structures; accessing the struct fields will access the chip registers.
- <tag><tt/VIA/</tag>
- Access to the VIA (Versatile Interface Adapter) chip is available via the
- <tt/VIA/ variable. The structure behind this variable is explained in <tt/_6522.h/.
-<sect>Loadable drivers<p>
-<em>Note:</em> Since the Atmos doesn't have working disk I/O
-(see <ref id="limitations" name="section "Limitations"">), the
-available drivers cannot be loaded at runtime (so the term "loadable drivers"
-is somewhat misleading). Instead, the drivers have to be statically linked. While
-this may seem overhead, it has two advantages:
-<sect1>Extended memory drivers<p>
-No extended memory drivers are currently available for the Atmos.
-<sect1>Joystick drivers<p>
-telemon 3.0 manages joysticks but it had been handled yet.
-<sect1>Mouse drivers<p>
-Telemon 3.0 manages also mouse, but it had been no handled yet in this version.
-<sect1>RS232 device drivers<p>
-not done
-<sect>Limitations<label id="limitations"><p>
-<sect1>Disk I/O<p>
-This version handles fopen, fread, fclose primitives. Because Telemon 3.0 handles these two primitives. By the way,
-it uses an extension "ch376 card" which handles sdcard and FAT 32 usb key.
-<sect>Other hints<p>
-This software is provided 'as-is', without any expressed or implied
-warranty. In no event will the authors be held liable for any damages
-arising from the use of this software.
-Permission is granted to anyone to use this software for any purpose,
-including commercial applications, and to alter it and redistribute it
-freely, subject to the following restrictions:
-<item> The origin of this software must not be misrepresented; you must not
- claim that you wrote the original software. If you use this software
- in a product, an acknowledgment in the product documentation would be
- appreciated but is not required.
-<item> Altered source versions must be plainly marked as such, and must not
- be misrepresented as being the original software.
-<item> This notice may not be removed or altered from any source
- distribution.
--- /dev/null
+<!doctype linuxdoc system>
+<title>Oric Telestrat-specific information for cc65
+<url url="mailto:jede@oric.org" name="Jede">,<newline>
+An overview over the Telestrat (telemon 3.0 : http://orix.oric.org) runtime system as it is implemented for the cc65 C
+<!-- Table of contents -->
+<!-- Begin the document -->
+This file contains an overview of the Telestrat runtime system as it comes with the
+cc65 C compiler. It describes the memory layout, Telemon3.0-specific header files,
+available drivers, and any pitfalls specific to that platform.
+Please note that Telemon3.0-specific functions are just mentioned here, they are
+described in detail in the separate <url url="funcref.html" name="function
+reference">. Even functions marked as "platform dependent" may be available on
+more than one platform. Please see the function reference for more
+<sect>Binary format<p>
+The standard binary output format generated by the linker for the Telemon 3.0 target
+is a machine language program with a 20 bytes header described here : http://orix.oric.org/doku.php?id=orix:header
+<sect>Memory layout<p>
+In the standard setup, cc65-generated programs use the memory from
+$0801 to $9800; so, nearly 37K of memory (including the stack) is
+available. ROM calls are possible without further precautions.
+Special locations:
+ <tag/Stack/
+ The C runtime stack is located at $97FF (or $B3FF), and grows
+ downwards.
+ <tag/Heap/
+ The C heap is located at the end of the program, and grows towards the C
+ runtime stack.
+<sect>Platform-specific header files<p>
+Programs containing Telemon 3.0 -specific code may use the <tt/telemon.h/ header file.
+<sect1>Telemon 3.0-specific functions<p>
+The functions listed below are special for the Telemon 3.0. See the <url
+url="funcref.html" name="function reference"> for declaration and usage.
+<sect1>Hardware access<p>
+The following pseudo variables declared in the <tt/atmos.h/ header file do allow
+access to hardware located in the address space. Some variables are
+structures; accessing the struct fields will access the chip registers.
+ <tag><tt/VIA/</tag>
+ Access to the VIA (Versatile Interface Adapter) chip is available via the
+ <tt/VIA/ variable. The structure behind this variable is explained in <tt/_6522.h/.
+<sect>Loadable drivers<p>
+<em>Note:</em> Since the Atmos doesn't have working disk I/O
+(see <ref id="limitations" name="section "Limitations"">), the
+available drivers cannot be loaded at runtime (so the term "loadable drivers"
+is somewhat misleading). Instead, the drivers have to be statically linked. While
+this may seem overhead, it has two advantages:
+<sect1>Extended memory drivers<p>
+No extended memory drivers are currently available for the Atmos.
+<sect1>Joystick drivers<p>
+telemon 3.0 manages joysticks but it had been handled yet.
+<sect1>Mouse drivers<p>
+Telemon 3.0 manages also mouse, but it had been no handled yet in this version.
+<sect1>RS232 device drivers<p>
+not done
+<sect>Limitations<label id="limitations"><p>
+<sect1>Disk I/O<p>
+This version handles fopen, fread, fclose primitives. Because Telemon 3.0 handles these two primitives. By the way,
+it uses an extension "ch376 card" which handles sdcard and FAT 32 usb key.
+<sect>Other hints<p>
+This software is provided 'as-is', without any expressed or implied
+warranty. In no event will the authors be held liable for any damages
+arising from the use of this software.
+Permission is granted to anyone to use this software for any purpose,
+including commercial applications, and to alter it and redistribute it
+freely, subject to the following restrictions:
+<item> The origin of this software must not be misrepresented; you must not
+ claim that you wrote the original software. If you use this software
+ in a product, an acknowledgment in the product documentation would be
+ appreciated but is not required.
+<item> Altered source versions must be plainly marked as such, and must not
+ be misrepresented as being the original software.
+<item> This notice may not be removed or altered from any source
+ distribution.
+++ /dev/null
-void print (char *);
-void hires();
-void text();
-void oups();
-void ping();
-void zap();
-void shoot();
-void explode();
-void paper(char color);
-void ink(char color);
-void kbdclick1();
-void curset(char x,char y);
-void circle(char rayon);
-char key(void);
-#define POKE(addr,val) (*(unsigned char*) (addr) = (val))
-#define PCHN_1 001
-#define PCHN_2 002
-#define PCHN_12 003
-#define PCHN_3 004
-#define PCHN_13 005
-#define PCHN_23 006
-#define PCHN_123 007
-#define ENV_DECAY 001 /* \_________ envelope */
-#define ENV_ATTACK_CUT 002 /* /_________ envelope */
-#define ENV_SAW_DOWN 003 /* \\\\\\\\\\ envelope */
-#define ENV_WAVE 004 /* /\/\/\/\/\ envelope */
-#define ENV_DECAY_CONT 005 /* \~~~~~~~~~ envelope */
-#define ENV_SAW_UP 006 /* ////////// envelope */
-#define ENV_ATTACK_CONT 007 /* /~~~~~~~~~ envelope */
-#define VOL_ENVELOPE 0x0
-#define VOL_QUIETEST 0x1
-#define VOL_LOUDEST 0xe
-extern int play(int soundchanels,int noisechanels,int envelop,int volume);
-/* Play a musical tone through the selected channel. */
-#define CHAN_1 1
-#define CHAN_2 2
-#define CHAN_3 3
+++ /dev/null
-void print (char *);
-void hires();
-void text();
-void oups();
-void ping();
-void zap();
-void shoot();
-void explode();
-void paper(char color);
-void ink(char color);
-void kbdclick1();
-void curset(char x,char y, char display, char display);
-void circle(char rayon);
--- /dev/null
+void print (char *);
+void hires();
+void text();
+void oups();
+void ping();
+void zap();
+void shoot();
+void explode();
+void paper(char color);
+void ink(char color);
+void kbdclick1();
+void curset(char x,char y, char display, char display);
+void circle(char rayon);
sim6502 \
sim65c02 \
- telemon24\
- telemon30
+ telestrat
DRVTYPES = emd \
joy \
+++ /dev/null
-; 2003-04-13, Ullrich von Bassewitz
-; 2013-07-16, Greg King
-; Screen size variables
- .export screensize
- .include "telemon24.inc"
-.proc screensize
- rts
+++ /dev/null
-; Startup code for cc65 (Oric version)
-; By Debrune Jérôme <jede@oric.org> and Ullrich von Bassewitz <uz@cc65.org>
-; 2016-03-18, Greg King
- .export _exit
- .export __STARTUP__ : absolute = 1 ; Mark as startup
- .import initlib, donelib
- .import callmain, zerobss
- .import __MAIN_START__, __MAIN_SIZE__
- .include "zeropage.inc"
- .include "telemon24.inc"
-; ------------------------------------------------------------------------
-; Place the startup code in a special segment.
-.segment "STARTUP"
- tsx
- stx spsave ; Save system stk ptr
-; Save space by putting some of the start-up code in a segment
-; that will be re-used.
- jsr init
-; Clear the BSS variables (after the constructors have been run).
- jsr zerobss
-; Push the command-line arguments; and, call main().
- jsr callmain
-; Call the module destructors. This is also the exit() entry.
-_exit: jsr donelib
-; Restore the system stuff.
- ldx spsave
- txs
-; lda stsave
- ; sta STATUS
-; Copy back the zero-page stuff.
- ldx #zpspace - 1
-L2: lda zpsave,x
- sta sp,x
- dex
- bpl L2
-; Back to BASIC.
- rts
-; ------------------------------------------------------------------------
-; Put this code in a place that will be re-used by BSS, the heap,
-; and the C stack.
-.segment "ONCE"
-; Save the zero-page area that we're about to use.
-init: ldx #zpspace - 1
-L1: lda sp,x
- sta zpsave,x
- dex
- bpl L1
-; Currently, color isn't supported on the text screen.
-; Unprotect screen columns 0 and 1 (where each line's color codes would sit).
- ; lda STATUS
- ; sta stsave
- ; and #%11011111
- ; sta STATUS
-; Set up the C stack.
- lda #<(__MAIN_START__ + __MAIN_SIZE__)
- ldx #>(__MAIN_START__ + __MAIN_SIZE__)
- sta sp
- stx sp+1 ; Set argument stack ptr
-; Call the module constructors.
- jmp initlib
-; ------------------------------------------------------------------------
-.segment "INIT"
-spsave: .res 1
-stsave: .res 1
-zpsave: .res zpspace
+++ /dev/null
-; Ullrich von Bassewitz, 2003-04-13
-; Character specification table.
-; The tables are readonly, put them into the rodata segment
-; The following 256 byte wide table specifies attributes for the isxxx type
-; of functions. Doing it by a table means some overhead in space, but it
-; has major advantages:
-; * It is fast. If it were'nt for the slow parameter passing of cc65, one
-; could even define macros for the isxxx functions (this is usually
-; done on other platforms).
-; * It is highly portable. The only unportable part is the table itself,
-; all real code goes into the common library.
-; * We save some code in the isxxx functions.
-; Bit assignments:
-; 0 - Lower case char
-; 1 - Upper case char
-; 2 - Numeric digit
-; 3 - Hex digit (both, lower and upper)
-; 4 - Control character
-; 5 - The space character itself
-; 6 - Other whitespace (that is: '\f', '\n', '\r', '\t' and '\v')
-; 7 - Space or tab character
- .export __ctype
- .byte $10 ; 0/00 ___ctrl_@___
- .byte $10 ; 1/01 ___ctrl_A___
- .byte $10 ; 2/02 ___ctrl_B___
- .byte $10 ; 3/03 ___ctrl_C___
- .byte $10 ; 4/04 ___ctrl_D___
- .byte $10 ; 5/05 ___ctrl_E___
- .byte $10 ; 6/06 ___ctrl_F___
- .byte $10 ; 7/07 ___ctrl_G___
- .byte $10 ; 8/08 ___ctrl_H___
- .byte $D0 ; 9/09 ___ctrl_I___
- .byte $50 ; 10/0a ___ctrl_J___
- .byte $50 ; 11/0b ___ctrl_K___
- .byte $50 ; 12/0c ___ctrl_L___
- .byte $50 ; 13/0d ___ctrl_M___
- .byte $10 ; 14/0e ___ctrl_N___
- .byte $10 ; 15/0f ___ctrl_O___
- .byte $10 ; 16/10 ___ctrl_P___
- .byte $10 ; 17/11 ___ctrl_Q___
- .byte $10 ; 18/12 ___ctrl_R___
- .byte $10 ; 19/13 ___ctrl_S___
- .byte $10 ; 20/14 ___ctrl_T___
- .byte $10 ; 21/15 ___ctrl_U___
- .byte $10 ; 22/16 ___ctrl_V___
- .byte $10 ; 23/17 ___ctrl_W___
- .byte $10 ; 24/18 ___ctrl_X___
- .byte $10 ; 25/19 ___ctrl_Y___
- .byte $10 ; 26/1a ___ctrl_Z___
- .byte $10 ; 27/1b ___ctrl_[___
- .byte $10 ; 28/1c ___ctrl_\___
- .byte $10 ; 29/1d ___ctrl_]___
- .byte $10 ; 30/1e ___ctrl_^___
- .byte $10 ; 31/1f ___ctrl_____
- .byte $A0 ; 32/20 ___SPACE___
- .byte $00 ; 33/21 _____!_____
- .byte $00 ; 34/22 _____"_____
- .byte $00 ; 35/23 _____#_____
- .byte $00 ; 36/24 _____$_____
- .byte $00 ; 37/25 _____%_____
- .byte $00 ; 38/26 _____&_____
- .byte $00 ; 39/27 _____'_____
- .byte $00 ; 40/28 _____(_____
- .byte $00 ; 41/29 _____)_____
- .byte $00 ; 42/2a _____*_____
- .byte $00 ; 43/2b _____+_____
- .byte $00 ; 44/2c _____,_____
- .byte $00 ; 45/2d _____-_____
- .byte $00 ; 46/2e _____._____
- .byte $00 ; 47/2f _____/_____
- .byte $0C ; 48/30 _____0_____
- .byte $0C ; 49/31 _____1_____
- .byte $0C ; 50/32 _____2_____
- .byte $0C ; 51/33 _____3_____
- .byte $0C ; 52/34 _____4_____
- .byte $0C ; 53/35 _____5_____
- .byte $0C ; 54/36 _____6_____
- .byte $0C ; 55/37 _____7_____
- .byte $0C ; 56/38 _____8_____
- .byte $0C ; 57/39 _____9_____
- .byte $00 ; 58/3a _____:_____
- .byte $00 ; 59/3b _____;_____
- .byte $00 ; 60/3c _____<_____
- .byte $00 ; 61/3d _____=_____
- .byte $00 ; 62/3e _____>_____
- .byte $00 ; 63/3f _____?_____
- .byte $00 ; 64/40 _____@_____
- .byte $0A ; 65/41 _____A_____
- .byte $0A ; 66/42 _____B_____
- .byte $0A ; 67/43 _____C_____
- .byte $0A ; 68/44 _____D_____
- .byte $0A ; 69/45 _____E_____
- .byte $0A ; 70/46 _____F_____
- .byte $02 ; 71/47 _____G_____
- .byte $02 ; 72/48 _____H_____
- .byte $02 ; 73/49 _____I_____
- .byte $02 ; 74/4a _____J_____
- .byte $02 ; 75/4b _____K_____
- .byte $02 ; 76/4c _____L_____
- .byte $02 ; 77/4d _____M_____
- .byte $02 ; 78/4e _____N_____
- .byte $02 ; 79/4f _____O_____
- .byte $02 ; 80/50 _____P_____
- .byte $02 ; 81/51 _____Q_____
- .byte $02 ; 82/52 _____R_____
- .byte $02 ; 83/53 _____S_____
- .byte $02 ; 84/54 _____T_____
- .byte $02 ; 85/55 _____U_____
- .byte $02 ; 86/56 _____V_____
- .byte $02 ; 87/57 _____W_____
- .byte $02 ; 88/58 _____X_____
- .byte $02 ; 89/59 _____Y_____
- .byte $02 ; 90/5a _____Z_____
- .byte $00 ; 91/5b _____[_____
- .byte $00 ; 92/5c _____\_____
- .byte $00 ; 93/5d _____]_____
- .byte $00 ; 94/5e _____^_____
- .byte $00 ; 95/5f _UNDERLINE_
- .byte $00 ; 96/60 ___grave___
- .byte $09 ; 97/61 _____a_____
- .byte $09 ; 98/62 _____b_____
- .byte $09 ; 99/63 _____c_____
- .byte $09 ; 100/64 _____d_____
- .byte $09 ; 101/65 _____e_____
- .byte $09 ; 102/66 _____f_____
- .byte $01 ; 103/67 _____g_____
- .byte $01 ; 104/68 _____h_____
- .byte $01 ; 105/69 _____i_____
- .byte $01 ; 106/6a _____j_____
- .byte $01 ; 107/6b _____k_____
- .byte $01 ; 108/6c _____l_____
- .byte $01 ; 109/6d _____m_____
- .byte $01 ; 110/6e _____n_____
- .byte $01 ; 111/6f _____o_____
- .byte $01 ; 112/70 _____p_____
- .byte $01 ; 113/71 _____q_____
- .byte $01 ; 114/72 _____r_____
- .byte $01 ; 115/73 _____s_____
- .byte $01 ; 116/74 _____t_____
- .byte $01 ; 117/75 _____u_____
- .byte $01 ; 118/76 _____v_____
- .byte $01 ; 119/77 _____w_____
- .byte $01 ; 120/78 _____x_____
- .byte $01 ; 121/79 _____y_____
- .byte $01 ; 122/7a _____z_____
- .byte $00 ; 123/7b _____{_____
- .byte $00 ; 124/7c _____|_____
- .byte $00 ; 125/7d _____}_____
- .byte $00 ; 126/7e _____~_____
- .byte $40 ; 127/7f ____DEL____
- .byte $00 ; 128/80 ___________
- .byte $00 ; 129/81 ___________
- .byte $00 ; 130/82 ___________
- .byte $00 ; 131/83 ___________
- .byte $00 ; 132/84 ___________
- .byte $00 ; 133/85 ___________
- .byte $00 ; 134/86 ___________
- .byte $00 ; 135/87 ___________
- .byte $00 ; 136/88 ___________
- .byte $00 ; 137/89 ___________
- .byte $00 ; 138/8a ___________
- .byte $00 ; 139/8b ___________
- .byte $00 ; 140/8c ___________
- .byte $00 ; 141/8d ___________
- .byte $00 ; 142/8e ___________
- .byte $00 ; 143/8f ___________
- .byte $00 ; 144/90 ___________
- .byte $00 ; 145/91 ___________
- .byte $00 ; 146/92 ___________
- .byte $10 ; 147/93 ___________
- .byte $00 ; 148/94 ___________
- .byte $00 ; 149/95 ___________
- .byte $00 ; 150/96 ___________
- .byte $00 ; 151/97 ___________
- .byte $00 ; 152/98 ___________
- .byte $00 ; 153/99 ___________
- .byte $00 ; 154/9a ___________
- .byte $00 ; 155/9b ___________
- .byte $00 ; 156/9c ___________
- .byte $00 ; 157/9d ___________
- .byte $00 ; 158/9e ___________
- .byte $00 ; 159/9f ___________
- .byte $00 ; 160/a0 ___________
- .byte $00 ; 161/a1 ___________
- .byte $00 ; 162/a2 ___________
- .byte $00 ; 163/a3 ___________
- .byte $00 ; 164/a4 ___________
- .byte $00 ; 165/a5 ___________
- .byte $00 ; 166/a6 ___________
- .byte $00 ; 167/a7 ___________
- .byte $00 ; 168/a8 ___________
- .byte $00 ; 169/a9 ___________
- .byte $00 ; 170/aa ___________
- .byte $00 ; 171/ab ___________
- .byte $00 ; 172/ac ___________
- .byte $00 ; 173/ad ___________
- .byte $00 ; 174/ae ___________
- .byte $00 ; 175/af ___________
- .byte $00 ; 176/b0 ___________
- .byte $00 ; 177/b1 ___________
- .byte $00 ; 178/b2 ___________
- .byte $00 ; 179/b3 ___________
- .byte $00 ; 180/b4 ___________
- .byte $00 ; 181/b5 ___________
- .byte $00 ; 182/b6 ___________
- .byte $00 ; 183/b7 ___________
- .byte $00 ; 184/b8 ___________
- .byte $00 ; 185/b9 ___________
- .byte $00 ; 186/ba ___________
- .byte $00 ; 187/bb ___________
- .byte $00 ; 188/bc ___________
- .byte $00 ; 189/bd ___________
- .byte $00 ; 190/be ___________
- .byte $00 ; 191/bf ___________
- .byte $02 ; 192/c0 ___________
- .byte $02 ; 193/c1 ___________
- .byte $02 ; 194/c2 ___________
- .byte $02 ; 195/c3 ___________
- .byte $02 ; 196/c4 ___________
- .byte $02 ; 197/c5 ___________
- .byte $02 ; 198/c6 ___________
- .byte $02 ; 199/c7 ___________
- .byte $02 ; 200/c8 ___________
- .byte $02 ; 201/c9 ___________
- .byte $02 ; 202/ca ___________
- .byte $02 ; 203/cb ___________
- .byte $02 ; 204/cc ___________
- .byte $02 ; 205/cd ___________
- .byte $02 ; 206/ce ___________
- .byte $02 ; 207/cf ___________
- .byte $02 ; 208/d0 ___________
- .byte $02 ; 209/d1 ___________
- .byte $02 ; 210/d2 ___________
- .byte $02 ; 211/d3 ___________
- .byte $02 ; 212/d4 ___________
- .byte $02 ; 213/d5 ___________
- .byte $02 ; 214/d6 ___________
- .byte $02 ; 215/d7 ___________
- .byte $02 ; 216/d8 ___________
- .byte $02 ; 217/d9 ___________
- .byte $02 ; 218/da ___________
- .byte $02 ; 219/db ___________
- .byte $02 ; 220/dc ___________
- .byte $02 ; 221/dd ___________
- .byte $02 ; 222/de ___________
- .byte $00 ; 223/df ___________
- .byte $01 ; 224/e0 ___________
- .byte $01 ; 225/e1 ___________
- .byte $01 ; 226/e2 ___________
- .byte $01 ; 227/e3 ___________
- .byte $01 ; 228/e4 ___________
- .byte $01 ; 229/e5 ___________
- .byte $01 ; 230/e6 ___________
- .byte $01 ; 231/e7 ___________
- .byte $01 ; 232/e8 ___________
- .byte $01 ; 233/e9 ___________
- .byte $01 ; 234/ea ___________
- .byte $01 ; 235/eb ___________
- .byte $01 ; 236/ec ___________
- .byte $01 ; 237/ed ___________
- .byte $01 ; 238/ee ___________
- .byte $01 ; 239/ef ___________
- .byte $01 ; 240/f0 ___________
- .byte $01 ; 241/f1 ___________
- .byte $01 ; 242/f2 ___________
- .byte $01 ; 243/f3 ___________
- .byte $01 ; 244/f4 ___________
- .byte $01 ; 245/f5 ___________
- .byte $01 ; 246/f6 ___________
- .byte $01 ; 247/f7 ___________
- .byte $01 ; 248/f8 ___________
- .byte $01 ; 249/f9 ___________
- .byte $01 ; 250/fa ___________
- .byte $01 ; 251/fb ___________
- .byte $01 ; 252/fc ___________
- .byte $01 ; 253/fd ___________
- .byte $01 ; 254/fe ___________
- .byte $00 ; 255/ff ___________
+++ /dev/null
-; Ullrich von Bassewitz, 2003-04-13
-; void hires(void);
-; This function is a hack!
- .export _hires
- .include "telemon24.inc"
-; can be optimized with a macro
-.proc _hires
- brk
- .byt $1a
- rts
+++ /dev/null
-; 2003-03-07, Ullrich von Bassewitz
-; 2011-01-28, Stefan Haubenthal
-; 2014-09-10, Greg King
-; Set up arguments for main
- .constructor initmainargs, 24
- .import __argc, __argv
- .include "telemon24.inc"
- .macpack generic
-MAXARGS = 10 ; Maximum number of arguments allowed
-.segment "ONCE"
-.proc initmainargs
-.segment "INIT"
-term: .res 1
-name: .res FNAME_LEN + 1
-args: .res SCREEN_XSIZE * 2 - 1
-; This array has zeroes when initmainargs starts.
-; char* argv[MAXARGS+1]={name};
-argv: .addr name
- .res MAXARGS * 2
+++ /dev/null
-; Stefan Haubenthal, 2004-05-25
-; Ullrich von Bassewitz, 18.07.2002
-; Defines the platform specific error list.
-; The table is built as a list of entries
-; .byte entrylen
-; .byte errorcode
-; .asciiz errormsg
-; and terminated by an entry with length zero that is returned if the
-; error code could not be found.
- .export __sys_oserrlist
-; Macros used to generate the list (may get moved to an include file?)
-; Regular entry
-.macro sys_oserr_entry code, msg
- .local Start, End
-Start: .byte End - Start
- .byte code
- .asciiz msg
-; Sentinel entry
-.macro sys_oserr_sentinel msg
- .byte 0 ; Length is always zero
- .byte 0 ; Code is unused
- .asciiz msg
-; The error message table
- sys_oserr_entry 1, "File not found"
- sys_oserr_entry 2, "Invalid command end"
- sys_oserr_entry 3, "No drive number"
- sys_oserr_entry 4, "Bad drive number"
- sys_oserr_entry 5, "Invalid filename"
- sys_oserr_entry 6, "fderr=(error number)"
- sys_oserr_entry 7, "Illegal attribute"
- sys_oserr_entry 8, "Wildcard(s) not allowed"
- sys_oserr_entry 9, "File already exists"
- sys_oserr_entry 10, "Insufficient disc space"
- sys_oserr_entry 11, "File open"
- sys_oserr_entry 12, "Illegal quantity"
- sys_oserr_entry 13, "End address missing"
- sys_oserr_entry 14, "Start address > end address"
- sys_oserr_entry 15, "Missing 'to'"
- sys_oserr_entry 16, "Renamed file not on same disc"
- sys_oserr_entry 17, "Unknown array"
- sys_oserr_entry 18, "Target drive not source drive"
- sys_oserr_entry 19, "Destination not specified"
- sys_oserr_entry 20, "Cannot merge and overwrite"
- sys_oserr_entry 21, "Single target file illegal"
- sys_oserr_entry 22, "Syntax"
- sys_oserr_entry 23, "Filename missing"
- sys_oserr_entry 24, "Source file missing"
- sys_oserr_entry 25, "Type mismatch"
- sys_oserr_entry 26, "Disc write-protected"
- sys_oserr_entry 27, "Incompatible drives"
- sys_oserr_entry 28, "File not open"
- sys_oserr_entry 29, "File end"
- sys_oserr_sentinel "Unknown error"
+++ /dev/null
-; Stefan Haubenthal, 2011-04-18
-; int __fastcall__ _osmaperrno (unsigned char oserror);
-; /* Map a system specific error into a system independent code */
- .include "errno.inc"
- .export __osmaperrno
-.proc __osmaperrno
- lda #<EUNKNOWN
- ldx #>EUNKNOWN
- rts
+++ /dev/null
-; Jede
-; print (char * str);
-; This function is a hack!
- .export _print
- .import popax
- .importzp tmp1
- .include "telemon24.inc"
-.proc _print
- jsr popax ; get buf
- stx tmp1
- ldy tmp1
- brk
- .byte $14
- rts
+++ /dev/null
-; Ullrich von Bassewitz, 2003-08-12
-; unsigned char __fastcall__ _sysuname (struct utsname* buf);
- .export __sysuname, utsdata
- .import utscopy
- __sysuname = utscopy
-; Data. We define a fixed utsname struct here and just copy it.
- ; sysname
- .asciiz "cc65"
- ; nodename
- .asciiz ""
- ; release
- .byte ((.VERSION >> 8) & $0F) + '0'
- .byte '.'
- .if ((.VERSION >> 4) & $0F) > 9
- .byte ((.VERSION >> 4) & $0F) / 10 + '0'
- .byte ((.VERSION >> 4) & $0F) .MOD 10 + '0'
- .else
- .byte ((.VERSION >> 4) & $0F) + '0'
- .endif
- .byte $00
- ; version
- .if (.VERSION & $0F) > 9
- .byte (.VERSION & $0F) / 10 + '0'
- .byte (.VERSION & $0F) .MOD 10 + '0'
- .else
- .byte (.VERSION & $0F) + '0'
- .endif
- .byte $00
- ; machine
- .asciiz "Oric Telestrat"
+++ /dev/null
-; Based on code by Debrune Jérôme <jede@oric.org>
-; 2016-03-17, Greg King
- ; The following symbol is used by the linker config. file
- ; to force this module to be included into the output file.
- .export __ORIXHDR__:abs = 1
- ; These symbols, also, come from the configuration file.
- .import __AUTORUN__, __PROGFLAG__
- .import __BASHEAD_START__, __MAIN_LAST__
-; ------------------------------------------------------------------------
-; Oric cassette-tape header
-.segment "ORIXHDR"
- .byte $01, $00 ;
- .byte "ORI"
- .byte $01 ; version
- .byte $00,$00 ; mode
- .byte $00,$00 ; cpu type
- .byte $00,$00 ; OS
- .byte $00 ; reserved
- .byte $00 ; auto
- .dbyt __BASHEAD_START__ ; Address of start of file
- .dbyt __MAIN_LAST__ - 1 ; Address of end of file
- .dbyt __BASHEAD_START__ ; Address of start of file
+++ /dev/null
-; Ullrich von Bassewitz, 2003-04-13
-; int write (int fd, const void* buf, int count);
-; This function is a hack!
- .export _write
- .import popax
- .importzp ptr1, ptr2, ptr3, tmp1
- .include "telemon24.inc"
-.proc _write
- sta ptr3
- stx ptr3+1 ; save count as result
- eor #$FF
- sta ptr2
- txa
- eor #$FF
- sta ptr2+1 ; Remember -count-1
- jsr popax ; get buf
- sta ptr1
- stx ptr1+1
- jsr popax ; get fd and discard
-L1: inc ptr2
- bne L2
- inc ptr2+1
- beq L9
-L2: ldy #0
- lda (ptr1),y
- tax
- cpx #$0A ; Check for \n
- bne L3
- brk
- .byt $10
- ldx #$0D
- brk
- .byt $10
- inc ptr1
- bne L1
- inc ptr1+1
- jmp L1
-; No error, return count
-L9: lda ptr3
- ldx ptr3+1
- rts
+++ /dev/null
- .export _close
- .import addysp,popax
- .importzp sp,tmp2,tmp3,tmp1
- ; int open (const char* name, int flags, ...); /* May take a mode argument */
- .include "telemon30.inc"
- .include "errno.inc"
- .include "fcntl.inc"
-.proc _close
-; Throw away any additional parameters passed through the ellipsis
- BRK_TELEMON XCLOSE ; launch primitive ROM
- rts
\ No newline at end of file
+++ /dev/null
- .export _open
- .import addysp,popax
- .importzp sp,tmp2,tmp3,tmp1
- ; int open (const char* name, int flags, ...); /* May take a mode argument */
- .include "telemon30.inc"
- .include "errno.inc"
- .include "fcntl.inc"
-.proc _open
-; Throw away any additional parameters passed through the ellipsis
- dey ; Parm count < 4 shouldn't be needed to be...
- dey ; ...checked (it generates a c compiler warning)
- dey
- dey
- beq parmok ; Branch if parameter count ok
- jsr addysp ; Fix stack, throw away unused parameters
-; Parameters ok. Pop the flags and save them into tmp3
-parmok: jsr popax ; Get flagss
- sta tmp3 ; save flags
-; Get the filename from stack and parse it. Bail out if is not ok
- jsr popax ; Get name
- ldy tmp3 ; Get flags again
- BRK_TELEMON XOPEN ; launch primitive ROM
- rts
\ No newline at end of file
+++ /dev/null
-; jede jede@oric.org 2017-01-22
- .FEATURE c_comments,labels_without_colons,pc_assignment, loose_char_term
- .export _read
- .import popax
- .include "zeropage.inc"
- .include "telemon30.inc"
-; int read (int fd, void* buf, unsigned count);
-.proc _read
- sta ptr1 ; count
- stx ptr1+1 ; count
- jsr popax ; get buf
- sta ptr2 ; in order to calculate nb of bytes read
- stx ptr2+1 ;
- ; jsr popax ; fp pointer don't care in this version
- lda ptr1 ;
- ldy ptr1+1 ;
- BRK_TELEMON XFREAD ; calls telemon30 routine
- ; compute nb of bytes read
- sec
- sbc ptr2+1
- tax
- sec
- sbc ptr2
- ; Here A and X contains number of bytes read
- rts
+++ /dev/null
-; 2003-04-13, Ullrich von Bassewitz
-; 2013-07-16, Greg King
-; Screen size variables
- .export screensize
- .include "telemon30.inc"
-.proc screensize
- rts
+++ /dev/null
- ; For XA65 compatibily in the future
- .FEATURE c_comments,labels_without_colons,pc_assignment, loose_char_term
- .export _ch376_set_file_name
- .export _ch376_file_open
- .export _ch376_ic_get_version
- .export _ch376_reset
- .export _ch376_check_exist
- .export _ch376_disk_mount
- .export _ch376_set_usb_mode
- .export _ch376_file_close
- .export _ch376_seek_file
- .export _ch376_file_create
- .export _ch376_fwrite
- ; High level function
- .import popax
- .include "zeropage.inc"
- .include "telemon30.inc"
-; CODE FOR CH376_SET_USB_MODE *************************************************
-CH376_USB_INT_BUF_OVER := $17
-CH376_ERR_OPEN_DIR := $41
-CH376_ERR_MISS_FILE := $42
-CH376_ERR_FOUND_NAME := $43
-CH376_ERR_TYPE_ERROR := $92
-CH376_ERR_FDT_OVER := $B2
-CH376_GET_IC_VER := $01
-CH376_SET_BAUDRATE := $02
-CH376_RESET_ALL := $05
-CH376_CHECK_EXIST := $06
-CH376_SET_USB_MODE := $15
-CH376_GET_STATUS := $22
-CH376_RD_USB_DATA0 := $27
-CH376_CMD_WR_REQ_DATA := $2d
-CH376_DISK_CONNECT := $30 ; check the disk connection status
-CH376_DISK_MOUNT := $31
-CH376_FILE_OPEN := $32
-CH376_FILE_ENUM_GO := $33
-CH376_FILE_CREATE := $34
-CH376_FILE_CLOSE := $36
-CH376_BYTE_LOCATE := $39
-CH376_BYTE_READ := $3A
-CH376_BYTE_RD_GO := $3B
-CH376_BYTE_WRITE := $3C
-CH376_BYTE_WR_GO := $3D
-CH376_DISK_RD_GO := $55
-.proc _ch376_file_close
- lda #CH376_FILE_CLOSE
- sta CH376_COMMAND
- jsr _ch376_wait_response
- rts
-.proc _ch376_seek_file
- ldx #CH376_BYTE_LOCATE
- stx CH376_COMMAND
- sta CH376_DATA
- sty CH376_DATA
- lda #$00 ; Don't manage 32 bits length
- sta CH376_DATA
- sta CH376_DATA
- jsr _ch376_wait_response
- rts
-; void ch376_set_file_name(char *filename)
-.proc _ch376_set_file_name
- sta ptr1
- stx ptr1+1
- lda #CH376_SET_FILE_NAME ;$2f
- sta CH376_COMMAND
- ldy #0
- lda (ptr1),y ; replace by bufnom
- beq end ; we reached 0 value
- sta CH376_DATA
- iny
- cpy #13 ; because we don't manage longfilename shortname =11
- bne loop
- sta CH376_DATA
- rts
-; char _ch376_file_open();
-.proc _ch376_file_open
- lda #CH376_FILE_OPEN ; $32
- sta CH376_COMMAND
- jsr _ch376_wait_response
- rts
-.proc _ch376_get_file_size
- lda #CH376_GET_FILE_SIZE
- sta CH376_COMMAND
- lda #$68
- sta CH376_DATA
- ; store file length 32 bits
- lda CH376_DATA
- sta tmp1
- lda CH376_DATA
- sta tmp1+1
- lda CH376_DATA
- sta tmp2
- lda CH376_DATA
- sta tmp2+1
- rts
-; void ch376_reset();
-.proc _ch376_reset
- lda #CH376_RESET_ALL ; 5
- sta CH376_COMMAND
- ; waiting
- ldy #0
- ldx #0
- nop
- inx
- bne loop
- iny
- bne loop
- rts
-; char ch376_check_exist(char value);
-.proc _ch376_check_exist
- sta tmp1
- lda #CH376_CHECK_EXIST ;
- sta CH376_COMMAND
- lda tmp1
- sta CH376_DATA
- lda CH376_DATA
- rts
-; char ch376_ic_get_version(void)
-.proc _ch376_ic_get_version
- lda #CH376_GET_IC_VER
- sta CH376_COMMAND
- ldx #0
- lda CH376_DATA
- rts
-; void ch376_set_usb_mode(char mode)
-.proc _ch376_set_usb_mode
- ldx #CH376_SET_USB_MODE ; $15
- stx CH376_COMMAND
- sta CH376_DATA
- rts
-; void ch376_set_bytes_write(int value);
-.proc _ch376_set_bytes_write
- ldy #CH376_BYTE_WRITE
- sty CH376_COMMAND
- sta CH376_DATA
- stx CH376_DATA
- lda #0
- sta CH376_DATA
- sta CH376_DATA
- jsr _ch376_wait_response
- rts
-.proc _ch376_set_bytes_read
- ldy #CH376_BYTE_READ
- sty CH376_COMMAND
- ; Storing 32 bits value
- sta CH376_DATA
- stx CH376_DATA
- lda #0
- sta CH376_DATA
- sta CH376_DATA
- jsr _ch376_wait_response
- rts
-; char ch376_disk_mount();
-.proc _ch376_disk_mount
- lda #CH376_DISK_MOUNT ; $31
- sta CH376_COMMAND
- jsr _ch376_wait_response
- ; if we read data value, we have then length of the volume name
- ldx #0
- rts
-; char ch376_wait_response();
-.proc _ch376_wait_response
-; 1 return 1 if usb controller does not respond
-; else A contains answer of the controller
- ldy #$ff
- ldx #$ff ; don't decrease this counter. Because ch376 won't respond if there is a lower value
- lda CH376_COMMAND
- and #%10000000
- cmp #128
- bne no_error
- dex
- bne loop
- dey
- bne loop3
- ; error is here
- rts
- lda #CH376_GET_STATUS
- sta CH376_COMMAND
- lda CH376_DATA
- rts
-.proc _ch376_fread
- ; use ptr1 to count bytes
- jsr _ch376_set_bytes_read
- cmp #CH376_USB_INT_DISK_READ ; something to read
- beq we_read
- cmp #CH376_USB_INT_SUCCESS ; finished
- beq finished
- ; TODO in A : $ff X: $ff
- lda #0
- tax
- rts
- lda #CH376_RD_USB_DATA0
- sta CH376_COMMAND
- lda CH376_DATA ; contains length read
- sta tmp2; Number of bytes to read
- ldy #0
- lda CH376_DATA ; read the data
- sta (PTR_READ_DEST),y
- iny
- cpy tmp2
- bne loop
- tya
- clc
- bcc next
- lda #CH376_BYTE_RD_GO
- sta CH376_COMMAND
- jsr _ch376_wait_response
- jmp continue
- ; TODO return bytes read
- lda tmp1
- ldx tmp1+1
- rts
-; void _ch376_fwrite(void *ptr,int number)
-.proc _ch376_fwrite
- ; use ptr1 to count bytes
- sta ptr2
- stx ptr2+1
- jsr popax
- lda ptr2
- ldx ptr2+1
- jsr _ch376_set_bytes_write
- ;beq finished
- ;jsr popax
- ;jsr _ch376_wait_response
- cmp #CH376_USB_INT_DISK_WRITE ; something to read
- beq we_read
- cmp #CH376_USB_INT_SUCCESS ; finished
- beq finished
- ; TODO in A : $ff X: $ff
- lda #0
- tax
- rts
- lda #CH376_CMD_WR_REQ_DATA
- sta CH376_COMMAND
- lda CH376_DATA ; contains length read
- sta tmp2; Number of bytes to read
- ;ldy #0
- ;lda (PTR_READ_DEST),y
- lda #65
- sta CH376_DATA ; read the data
- dec tmp2
- bne loop
- lda #CH376_BYTE_WR_GO
- sta CH376_COMMAND
- jsr _ch376_wait_response
- jmp continue
- ; TODO return bytes read
- lda tmp1
- ;lda #<8000
- ldx tmp1+1
- ;ldx #>8000
- rts
-.proc _ch376_file_create
- lda #CH376_FILE_CREATE
- sta CH376_COMMAND
- jsr _ch376_wait_response
- rts
\ No newline at end of file
+++ /dev/null
-; Startup code for cc65 (Oric version)
-; By Debrune Jérôme <jede@oric.org> and Ullrich von Bassewitz <uz@cc65.org>
-; 2016-03-18, Greg King
- .export _exit
- .export __STARTUP__ : absolute = 1 ; Mark as startup
- .import initlib, donelib
- .import callmain, zerobss
- .import __MAIN_START__, __MAIN_SIZE__
- .include "zeropage.inc"
- .include "telemon30.inc"
-; ------------------------------------------------------------------------
-; Place the startup code in a special segment.
-.segment "STARTUP"
- tsx
- stx spsave ; Save system stk ptr
-; Save space by putting some of the start-up code in a segment
-; that will be re-used.
- jsr init
-; Clear the BSS variables (after the constructors have been run).
- jsr zerobss
-; Push the command-line arguments; and, call main().
- jsr callmain
-; Call the module destructors. This is also the exit() entry.
-_exit: jsr donelib
-; Restore the system stuff.
- ldx spsave
- txs
-; lda stsave
- ; sta STATUS
-; Copy back the zero-page stuff.
- ldx #zpspace - 1
-L2: lda zpsave,x
- sta sp,x
- dex
- bpl L2
-; Back to BASIC.
- rts
-; ------------------------------------------------------------------------
-; Put this code in a place that will be re-used by BSS, the heap,
-; and the C stack.
-.segment "ONCE"
-; Save the zero-page area that we're about to use.
-init: ldx #zpspace - 1
-L1: lda sp,x
- sta zpsave,x
- dex
- bpl L1
-; Currently, color isn't supported on the text screen.
-; Unprotect screen columns 0 and 1 (where each line's color codes would sit).
- ; lda STATUS
- ; sta stsave
- ; and #%11011111
- ; sta STATUS
-; Set up the C stack.
- lda #<(__MAIN_START__ + __MAIN_SIZE__)
- ldx #>(__MAIN_START__ + __MAIN_SIZE__)
- sta sp
- stx sp+1 ; Set argument stack ptr
-; Call the module constructors.
- jmp initlib
-; ------------------------------------------------------------------------
-.segment "INIT"
-spsave: .res 1
-stsave: .res 1
-zpsave: .res zpspace
+++ /dev/null
-; Ullrich von Bassewitz, 2003-04-13
-; Character specification table.
-; The tables are readonly, put them into the rodata segment
-; The following 256 byte wide table specifies attributes for the isxxx type
-; of functions. Doing it by a table means some overhead in space, but it
-; has major advantages:
-; * It is fast. If it were'nt for the slow parameter passing of cc65, one
-; could even define macros for the isxxx functions (this is usually
-; done on other platforms).
-; * It is highly portable. The only unportable part is the table itself,
-; all real code goes into the common library.
-; * We save some code in the isxxx functions.
-; Bit assignments:
-; 0 - Lower case char
-; 1 - Upper case char
-; 2 - Numeric digit
-; 3 - Hex digit (both, lower and upper)
-; 4 - Control character
-; 5 - The space character itself
-; 6 - Other whitespace (that is: '\f', '\n', '\r', '\t' and '\v')
-; 7 - Space or tab character
- .export __ctype
- .byte $10 ; 0/00 ___ctrl_@___
- .byte $10 ; 1/01 ___ctrl_A___
- .byte $10 ; 2/02 ___ctrl_B___
- .byte $10 ; 3/03 ___ctrl_C___
- .byte $10 ; 4/04 ___ctrl_D___
- .byte $10 ; 5/05 ___ctrl_E___
- .byte $10 ; 6/06 ___ctrl_F___
- .byte $10 ; 7/07 ___ctrl_G___
- .byte $10 ; 8/08 ___ctrl_H___
- .byte $D0 ; 9/09 ___ctrl_I___
- .byte $50 ; 10/0a ___ctrl_J___
- .byte $50 ; 11/0b ___ctrl_K___
- .byte $50 ; 12/0c ___ctrl_L___
- .byte $50 ; 13/0d ___ctrl_M___
- .byte $10 ; 14/0e ___ctrl_N___
- .byte $10 ; 15/0f ___ctrl_O___
- .byte $10 ; 16/10 ___ctrl_P___
- .byte $10 ; 17/11 ___ctrl_Q___
- .byte $10 ; 18/12 ___ctrl_R___
- .byte $10 ; 19/13 ___ctrl_S___
- .byte $10 ; 20/14 ___ctrl_T___
- .byte $10 ; 21/15 ___ctrl_U___
- .byte $10 ; 22/16 ___ctrl_V___
- .byte $10 ; 23/17 ___ctrl_W___
- .byte $10 ; 24/18 ___ctrl_X___
- .byte $10 ; 25/19 ___ctrl_Y___
- .byte $10 ; 26/1a ___ctrl_Z___
- .byte $10 ; 27/1b ___ctrl_[___
- .byte $10 ; 28/1c ___ctrl_\___
- .byte $10 ; 29/1d ___ctrl_]___
- .byte $10 ; 30/1e ___ctrl_^___
- .byte $10 ; 31/1f ___ctrl_____
- .byte $A0 ; 32/20 ___SPACE___
- .byte $00 ; 33/21 _____!_____
- .byte $00 ; 34/22 _____"_____
- .byte $00 ; 35/23 _____#_____
- .byte $00 ; 36/24 _____$_____
- .byte $00 ; 37/25 _____%_____
- .byte $00 ; 38/26 _____&_____
- .byte $00 ; 39/27 _____'_____
- .byte $00 ; 40/28 _____(_____
- .byte $00 ; 41/29 _____)_____
- .byte $00 ; 42/2a _____*_____
- .byte $00 ; 43/2b _____+_____
- .byte $00 ; 44/2c _____,_____
- .byte $00 ; 45/2d _____-_____
- .byte $00 ; 46/2e _____._____
- .byte $00 ; 47/2f _____/_____
- .byte $0C ; 48/30 _____0_____
- .byte $0C ; 49/31 _____1_____
- .byte $0C ; 50/32 _____2_____
- .byte $0C ; 51/33 _____3_____
- .byte $0C ; 52/34 _____4_____
- .byte $0C ; 53/35 _____5_____
- .byte $0C ; 54/36 _____6_____
- .byte $0C ; 55/37 _____7_____
- .byte $0C ; 56/38 _____8_____
- .byte $0C ; 57/39 _____9_____
- .byte $00 ; 58/3a _____:_____
- .byte $00 ; 59/3b _____;_____
- .byte $00 ; 60/3c _____<_____
- .byte $00 ; 61/3d _____=_____
- .byte $00 ; 62/3e _____>_____
- .byte $00 ; 63/3f _____?_____
- .byte $00 ; 64/40 _____@_____
- .byte $0A ; 65/41 _____A_____
- .byte $0A ; 66/42 _____B_____
- .byte $0A ; 67/43 _____C_____
- .byte $0A ; 68/44 _____D_____
- .byte $0A ; 69/45 _____E_____
- .byte $0A ; 70/46 _____F_____
- .byte $02 ; 71/47 _____G_____
- .byte $02 ; 72/48 _____H_____
- .byte $02 ; 73/49 _____I_____
- .byte $02 ; 74/4a _____J_____
- .byte $02 ; 75/4b _____K_____
- .byte $02 ; 76/4c _____L_____
- .byte $02 ; 77/4d _____M_____
- .byte $02 ; 78/4e _____N_____
- .byte $02 ; 79/4f _____O_____
- .byte $02 ; 80/50 _____P_____
- .byte $02 ; 81/51 _____Q_____
- .byte $02 ; 82/52 _____R_____
- .byte $02 ; 83/53 _____S_____
- .byte $02 ; 84/54 _____T_____
- .byte $02 ; 85/55 _____U_____
- .byte $02 ; 86/56 _____V_____
- .byte $02 ; 87/57 _____W_____
- .byte $02 ; 88/58 _____X_____
- .byte $02 ; 89/59 _____Y_____
- .byte $02 ; 90/5a _____Z_____
- .byte $00 ; 91/5b _____[_____
- .byte $00 ; 92/5c _____\_____
- .byte $00 ; 93/5d _____]_____
- .byte $00 ; 94/5e _____^_____
- .byte $00 ; 95/5f _UNDERLINE_
- .byte $00 ; 96/60 ___grave___
- .byte $09 ; 97/61 _____a_____
- .byte $09 ; 98/62 _____b_____
- .byte $09 ; 99/63 _____c_____
- .byte $09 ; 100/64 _____d_____
- .byte $09 ; 101/65 _____e_____
- .byte $09 ; 102/66 _____f_____
- .byte $01 ; 103/67 _____g_____
- .byte $01 ; 104/68 _____h_____
- .byte $01 ; 105/69 _____i_____
- .byte $01 ; 106/6a _____j_____
- .byte $01 ; 107/6b _____k_____
- .byte $01 ; 108/6c _____l_____
- .byte $01 ; 109/6d _____m_____
- .byte $01 ; 110/6e _____n_____
- .byte $01 ; 111/6f _____o_____
- .byte $01 ; 112/70 _____p_____
- .byte $01 ; 113/71 _____q_____
- .byte $01 ; 114/72 _____r_____
- .byte $01 ; 115/73 _____s_____
- .byte $01 ; 116/74 _____t_____
- .byte $01 ; 117/75 _____u_____
- .byte $01 ; 118/76 _____v_____
- .byte $01 ; 119/77 _____w_____
- .byte $01 ; 120/78 _____x_____
- .byte $01 ; 121/79 _____y_____
- .byte $01 ; 122/7a _____z_____
- .byte $00 ; 123/7b _____{_____
- .byte $00 ; 124/7c _____|_____
- .byte $00 ; 125/7d _____}_____
- .byte $00 ; 126/7e _____~_____
- .byte $40 ; 127/7f ____DEL____
- .byte $00 ; 128/80 ___________
- .byte $00 ; 129/81 ___________
- .byte $00 ; 130/82 ___________
- .byte $00 ; 131/83 ___________
- .byte $00 ; 132/84 ___________
- .byte $00 ; 133/85 ___________
- .byte $00 ; 134/86 ___________
- .byte $00 ; 135/87 ___________
- .byte $00 ; 136/88 ___________
- .byte $00 ; 137/89 ___________
- .byte $00 ; 138/8a ___________
- .byte $00 ; 139/8b ___________
- .byte $00 ; 140/8c ___________
- .byte $00 ; 141/8d ___________
- .byte $00 ; 142/8e ___________
- .byte $00 ; 143/8f ___________
- .byte $00 ; 144/90 ___________
- .byte $00 ; 145/91 ___________
- .byte $00 ; 146/92 ___________
- .byte $10 ; 147/93 ___________
- .byte $00 ; 148/94 ___________
- .byte $00 ; 149/95 ___________
- .byte $00 ; 150/96 ___________
- .byte $00 ; 151/97 ___________
- .byte $00 ; 152/98 ___________
- .byte $00 ; 153/99 ___________
- .byte $00 ; 154/9a ___________
- .byte $00 ; 155/9b ___________
- .byte $00 ; 156/9c ___________
- .byte $00 ; 157/9d ___________
- .byte $00 ; 158/9e ___________
- .byte $00 ; 159/9f ___________
- .byte $00 ; 160/a0 ___________
- .byte $00 ; 161/a1 ___________
- .byte $00 ; 162/a2 ___________
- .byte $00 ; 163/a3 ___________
- .byte $00 ; 164/a4 ___________
- .byte $00 ; 165/a5 ___________
- .byte $00 ; 166/a6 ___________
- .byte $00 ; 167/a7 ___________
- .byte $00 ; 168/a8 ___________
- .byte $00 ; 169/a9 ___________
- .byte $00 ; 170/aa ___________
- .byte $00 ; 171/ab ___________
- .byte $00 ; 172/ac ___________
- .byte $00 ; 173/ad ___________
- .byte $00 ; 174/ae ___________
- .byte $00 ; 175/af ___________
- .byte $00 ; 176/b0 ___________
- .byte $00 ; 177/b1 ___________
- .byte $00 ; 178/b2 ___________
- .byte $00 ; 179/b3 ___________
- .byte $00 ; 180/b4 ___________
- .byte $00 ; 181/b5 ___________
- .byte $00 ; 182/b6 ___________
- .byte $00 ; 183/b7 ___________
- .byte $00 ; 184/b8 ___________
- .byte $00 ; 185/b9 ___________
- .byte $00 ; 186/ba ___________
- .byte $00 ; 187/bb ___________
- .byte $00 ; 188/bc ___________
- .byte $00 ; 189/bd ___________
- .byte $00 ; 190/be ___________
- .byte $00 ; 191/bf ___________
- .byte $02 ; 192/c0 ___________
- .byte $02 ; 193/c1 ___________
- .byte $02 ; 194/c2 ___________
- .byte $02 ; 195/c3 ___________
- .byte $02 ; 196/c4 ___________
- .byte $02 ; 197/c5 ___________
- .byte $02 ; 198/c6 ___________
- .byte $02 ; 199/c7 ___________
- .byte $02 ; 200/c8 ___________
- .byte $02 ; 201/c9 ___________
- .byte $02 ; 202/ca ___________
- .byte $02 ; 203/cb ___________
- .byte $02 ; 204/cc ___________
- .byte $02 ; 205/cd ___________
- .byte $02 ; 206/ce ___________
- .byte $02 ; 207/cf ___________
- .byte $02 ; 208/d0 ___________
- .byte $02 ; 209/d1 ___________
- .byte $02 ; 210/d2 ___________
- .byte $02 ; 211/d3 ___________
- .byte $02 ; 212/d4 ___________
- .byte $02 ; 213/d5 ___________
- .byte $02 ; 214/d6 ___________
- .byte $02 ; 215/d7 ___________
- .byte $02 ; 216/d8 ___________
- .byte $02 ; 217/d9 ___________
- .byte $02 ; 218/da ___________
- .byte $02 ; 219/db ___________
- .byte $02 ; 220/dc ___________
- .byte $02 ; 221/dd ___________
- .byte $02 ; 222/de ___________
- .byte $00 ; 223/df ___________
- .byte $01 ; 224/e0 ___________
- .byte $01 ; 225/e1 ___________
- .byte $01 ; 226/e2 ___________
- .byte $01 ; 227/e3 ___________
- .byte $01 ; 228/e4 ___________
- .byte $01 ; 229/e5 ___________
- .byte $01 ; 230/e6 ___________
- .byte $01 ; 231/e7 ___________
- .byte $01 ; 232/e8 ___________
- .byte $01 ; 233/e9 ___________
- .byte $01 ; 234/ea ___________
- .byte $01 ; 235/eb ___________
- .byte $01 ; 236/ec ___________
- .byte $01 ; 237/ed ___________
- .byte $01 ; 238/ee ___________
- .byte $01 ; 239/ef ___________
- .byte $01 ; 240/f0 ___________
- .byte $01 ; 241/f1 ___________
- .byte $01 ; 242/f2 ___________
- .byte $01 ; 243/f3 ___________
- .byte $01 ; 244/f4 ___________
- .byte $01 ; 245/f5 ___________
- .byte $01 ; 246/f6 ___________
- .byte $01 ; 247/f7 ___________
- .byte $01 ; 248/f8 ___________
- .byte $01 ; 249/f9 ___________
- .byte $01 ; 250/fa ___________
- .byte $01 ; 251/fb ___________
- .byte $01 ; 252/fc ___________
- .byte $01 ; 253/fd ___________
- .byte $01 ; 254/fe ___________
- .byte $00 ; 255/ff ___________
+++ /dev/null
- .export _paper,_hires,_text,_circle,_curset, _switchOffCursor
- .importzp sp,tmp2,tmp3,tmp1
- .import popa
- .include "telemon30.inc"
-.proc _paper
- ldx #0 ; First window
- ; A contains the paper
- rts
-; XINK is bugged, it corrupt memory : removing from export
-.proc _ink
- ldx #0 ; First window
- ; A contains the ink
- rts
-; can be optimized with a macro
-.proc _hires
- rts
-.proc _text
- rts
-.proc _curset
- jsr popa ; Pixel
- jsr popa
- sta HRSX
- jsr popa
- sta HRSY
- rts
-.proc _circle
- sta HRS1
- rts
-.proc _switchOffCursor
- ldx #0
- rts
+++ /dev/null
- .export _key
- .importzp sp,tmp2,tmp3,tmp1
- .include "telemon30.inc"
-; char key(void);
-.proc _key
- BRK_TELEMON XRDW0 ; read keyboard
- rts
+++ /dev/null
-; 2003-03-07, Ullrich von Bassewitz
-; 2011-01-28, Stefan Haubenthal
-; 2014-09-10, Greg King
-; Set up arguments for main
- .constructor initmainargs, 24
- .import __argc, __argv
- .import ptr1
- .include "telemon30.inc"
- .macpack generic
-MAXARGS = 10 ; Maximum number of arguments allowed
-; Assume that the program was loaded, a moment ago, by the traditional LOAD
-; statement. Save the "most-recent filename" as argument #0.
- ldx #0 ; Limit the length
- ; lda #0 ; The terminating NUL character
- ; beq L1 ; Branch always
-L0: lda BUFEDT,x
- beq L3
- cmp #' '
- bne L1
- lda #0
- beq L3
-L1: sta name,x
- inx
- cpx #FNAME_LEN
- bne L0
- lda #0
- sta name,x
- inc __argc ; argc always is equal to, at least, 1
- ldy #1 * 2 ; Point to second argv slot
-next: lda BUFEDT,x
- beq done ; End of line reached
- inx
- cmp #' ' ; Skip leading spaces
- beq next
-found: cmp #'"' ; Is the argument quoted?
- beq setterm ; Jump if so
- dex ; Reset pointer to first argument character
- lda #' ' ; A space ends the argument
-setterm:sta term ; Set end of argument marker
-; Now, store a pointer, to the argument, into the next slot.
- txa ; Get low byte
- clc
- adc #<BUFEDT
- bcc L4
- inc L5+1
- ;add #<args
- sta argv,y ; argv[y]=&arg
- lda #>BUFEDT
- ;adc #>args
- sta argv+1,y
- iny
- iny
- inc __argc ; Found another arg
-; Search for the end of the argument
-argloop:lda BUFEDT,x
- beq done
- inx
- cmp term
- bne argloop
-; We've found the end of the argument. X points one character behind it, and
-; A contains the terminating character. To make the argument a valid C string,
-; replace the terminating character by a zero.
- lda #0
- sta BUFEDT-1,x
-; Check if the maximum number of command line arguments is reached. If not,
-; parse the next one.
- lda __argc ; Get low byte of argument count
- cmp #MAXARGS ; Maximum number of arguments reached?
- bcc next ; Parse next one if not
-done: lda #<argv
- ldx #>argv
- sta __argv
- stx __argv + 1
- rts
-.segment "INIT"
-term: .res 1
-name: .res FNAME_LEN + 1
-args: .res SCREEN_XSIZE * 2 - 1
- .res 2
- .res 1
-; char* argv[MAXARGS+1]={name};
- .addr name
- .res MAXARGS * 2
+++ /dev/null
- .export _Mym_MusicStart
- .importzp sp,tmp2,tmp3,tmp1,ptr1
- .include "telemon30.inc"
-; To check: AYC
-; http://cpcwiki.eu/index.php/AYC
-_DecodedByte :=$D0 ; Byte being currently decoded from the MYM stream
-_DecodeBitCounter :=$D2 ; Number of bits we can read in the current byte
-_DecodedResult :=$D3 ; What is returned by the 'read bits' function
-_CurrentAYRegister :=$D4 ; Contains the number of the register being decoded
-_RegisterBufferHigh :=$D5 ; Points to the high byte of the decoded register buffer, increment to move to the next register
-_BufferFrameOffset :=$D6 ; From 0 to 127, used when filling the decoded register buffer
-_MusicResetCounter :=$D7 ; 2 bytes Contains the number of rows to play before reseting
-_CurrentFrame :=$D9 ; From 0 to 255 and then cycles... the index of the frame to play this vbl
-_PlayerVbl :=$DA
-_FrameLoadBalancer :=$DB ; We depack a new frame every 9 VBLs, this way the 14 registers are evenly depacked over 128 frames
-VIA_1 := $30f
-VIA_2 := $30c
-_MusicData := $c000
-; mym(char *buf)
-; Current PSG values during unpacking
-.proc _Mym_MusicStart
- ; The two first bytes of the MYM music is the number of rows in the music
- ; We decrement that at each frame, and when we reach zero, time to start again.
- sta ptr1
- stx ptr1+1
- ldy #0
- lda (ptr1),y
- sta _MusicResetCounter+0
- iny
- lda (ptr1),y
- tax
- inx
- stx _MusicResetCounter+1
- ;ldx _MusicData+0
- ;stx _MusicResetCounter+0
- ;ldx _MusicData+1
- ;inx
- ;stx _MusicResetCounter+1
- ; Initialize the read bit counter
- ldy #2 ; should be useless because we can do iny which earn 1 byte
- lda ptr1
- clc
- adc #2
- bcc next20
- inc ptr1+1
- lda ptr1+1
- sta __auto_music_ptr+2
- sta ptr1
- sta __auto_music_ptr+1
- ;lda #<(_MusicData+2)
- ;sta __auto_music_ptr+1
- ;lda #>(_MusicData+2)
- ;sta __auto_music_ptr+2
- lda #1
- sta _DecodeBitCounter
- ; Clear all data
- lda #0
- sta _DecodedResult
- sta _DecodedByte
- sta _PlayerVbl
- sta _PlayerRegCurrentValue
- sta _BufferFrameOffset
- sta _PlayerCount
- sta _CurrentAYRegister
- sta _CurrentFrame
- ldx #14
- dex
- sta _PlayerRegValues,x
- bne loop_init
- ;
- ; Unpack the 128 first register frames
- ;
- lda #>_PlayerBuffer
- sta _RegisterBufferHigh
- ldx #0
- stx _CurrentAYRegister
- ; Unpack that register
- jsr _PlayerUnpackRegister2
- ; Next register
- ldx _CurrentAYRegister
- inx
- cpx #14
- bne unpack_block_loop
- lda #128
- sta _PlayerVbl+0
- lda #0
- sta _PlayerCount
- sta _CurrentAYRegister
- sta _CurrentFrame
- lda #9
- sta _FrameLoadBalancer
- lda #1
- sta _MusicPlaying
- ;
- ; Install the IRQ
- ;
- php
- sei
- lda #<_Mym_PlayFrame
- sta _InterruptCallBack_3+1
- lda #>_Mym_PlayFrame
- sta _InterruptCallBack_3+2
- plp
- rts
- ; Indicate the main code that the music is finished
- lda #0
- sta _MusicPlaying
- ; Disable the IRQ so it does not conflict or cause weird things
- php
- sei
- lda #<_DoNothing
- sta _InterruptCallBack_3+1
- lda #>_DoNothing
- sta _InterruptCallBack_3+2
- plp
- ; Cut the sound so it does not sounds like a dying cat
- ; y=register number
- ; x=value to write
- ldy #7 ; Control register
- ldx #$FF
- jsr _PsgPlayRegister
- ldy #8 ; Volume A
- ldx #0
- jsr _PsgPlayRegister
- ldy #9 ; Volume B
- ldx #0
- jsr _PsgPlayRegister
- ldy #10 ; Volume C
- ldx #0
- jsr _PsgPlayRegister
- rts
- ;
- ; Check for end of music
- ; CountZero: $81,$0d
- dec _MusicResetCounter+0
- bne music_contines
- dec _MusicResetCounter+1
- bne music_contines
- jmp _Mym_MusicStop
- ;
- ; Play a frame of 14 registers
- ;
- lda _CurrentFrame
- sta _auto_psg_play_read+1
- lda #>_PlayerBuffer
- sta _auto_psg_play_read+2
- ldy #0
- ldx _PlayerBuffer
- ; y=register number
- ; x=value to write
- jsr _PsgPlayRegister
- inc _auto_psg_play_read+2
- iny
- cpy #14
- bne register_loop
- inc _CurrentFrame
- inc _PlayerCount
- lda _CurrentAYRegister
- cmp #14
- bcs end_reg
- dec _FrameLoadBalancer
- bne end
- jsr _PlayerUnpackRegister
- inc _CurrentAYRegister
- lda #9
- sta _FrameLoadBalancer
- rts
- lda _PlayerCount
- cmp #128
- bcc skip2
- lda #0
- sta _CurrentAYRegister
- sta _PlayerCount
- lda #9
- sta _FrameLoadBalancer
- clc
- lda _PlayerVbl+0
- adc #128
- sta _PlayerVbl+0
- rts
-; y=register number
-; x=value to write
- sty VIA_1
- txa
- pha
- lda VIA_2
- ora #$EE ; $EE 238 11101110
- sta VIA_2
- and #$11 ; $11 17 00010001
- ora #$CC ; $CC 204 11001100
- sta VIA_2
- tax
- pla
- sta VIA_1
- txa
- ora #$EC ; $EC 236 11101100
- sta VIA_2
- and #$11 ; $11 17 00010001
- ora #$CC ; $CC 204 11001100
- sta VIA_2
- rts
-; Initialise X with the number of bits to read
-; Y is not modifier
- lda #0
- sta _DecodedResult
- ; Will iterate X times (number of bits to read)
- dec _DecodeBitCounter
- beq get_next_byte
- asl _DecodedByte
- rol _DecodedResult
- dex
- bne loop_read_bits
- rts
- ; reset mask
- lda #8
- sta _DecodeBitCounter
- ; fetch a new byte, and increment the adress.
- lda _MusicData+2
- sta _DecodedByte
- inc __auto_music_ptr+1
- bne shift_bit
- inc __auto_music_ptr+2
- jmp shift_bit
- lda #>_PlayerBuffer
- clc
- adc _CurrentAYRegister
- sta _RegisterBufferHigh
- ;
- ; Init register bit count and current value
- ;
- ldx _CurrentAYRegister
- lda _PlayerRegValues,x
- sta _PlayerRegCurrentValue
- ;
- ; Check if it's packed or not
- ; and call adequate routine...
- ;
- ldx #1
- jsr _ReadBits
- ldx _DecodedResult
- bne DecompressFragment
- ;
- ; No change at all, just repeat '_PlayerRegCurrentValue' 128 times
- ;
- lda _RegisterBufferHigh ; highpart of buffer adress + register number
- sta __auto_copy_unchanged_write+2
- ldx #128 ; 128 iterations
- lda _PlayerRegCurrentValue ; Value to write
- ldy _PlayerVbl
- sta _PlayerBuffer,y
- iny
- dex
- bne repeat_loop
- jmp player_main_return
- ; Write back register current value
- ldx _CurrentAYRegister
- lda _PlayerRegCurrentValue
- sta _PlayerRegValues,x
- ; Move to the next register buffer
- inc _RegisterBufferHigh
- rts
- lda _PlayerVbl ; Either 0 or 128 at this point else we have a problem...
- sta _BufferFrameOffset
- ; Check packing method
- ldx #1
- jsr _ReadBits
- ldx _DecodedResult
- bne PlayerNotCopyLast
- ; We just copy the current value 128 times
- lda _RegisterBufferHigh ; highpart of buffer adress + register number
- sta __auto_player_copy_last+2
- ldx _BufferFrameOffset ; Value between 00 and 7f
- lda _PlayerRegCurrentValue ; Value to copy
- sta _PlayerBuffer,x
- inc _BufferFrameOffset
- ; Check end of loop
- lda _BufferFrameOffset
- and #127
- bne decompressFragmentLoop
- jmp player_main_return
- ; Check packing method
- ldx #1
- jsr _ReadBits
- ldx _DecodedResult
- beq DecompressWithOffset
- ; Read new register value (variable bit count)
- ldx _CurrentAYRegister
- lda _PlayerRegBits,x
- tax
- jsr _ReadBits
- ldx _DecodedResult
- stx _PlayerRegCurrentValue
- ; Copy to stream
- lda _RegisterBufferHigh ; highpart of buffer adress + register number
- sta __auto_player_read_new+2
- ldx _BufferFrameOffset ; Value between 00 and 7f
- lda _PlayerRegCurrentValue ; New value to write
- sta _PlayerBuffer,x
- inc _BufferFrameOffset
- jmp player_return
- ; Read Offset (0 to 127)
- ldx #7
- jsr _ReadBits
- lda _RegisterBufferHigh ; highpart of buffer adress + register number
- sta __auto_write+2 ; Write adress
- sta __auto_read+2 ; Read adress
- ; Compute wrap around offset...
- lda _BufferFrameOffset ; between 0 and 255
- clc
- adc _DecodedResult ; + Offset Between 00 and 7f
- sec
- sbc #128 ; -128
- tay
- ; Read count (7 bits)
- ldx #7
- jsr _ReadBits
- inc _DecodedResult ; 1 to 129
- ldx _BufferFrameOffset
- lda _PlayerBuffer,y ; Y for reading
- iny
- sta _PlayerBuffer,x ; X for writing
- inx
- dec _DecodedResult
- bne player_copy_offset_loop
- stx _BufferFrameOffset
- sta _PlayerRegCurrentValue
- jmp player_return
-; Size in bits of each PSG register
- ; Chanel A Frequency
- .byt 8
- .byt 4
- ; Chanel B Frequency
- .byt 8
- .byt 4
- ; Chanel C Frequency
- .byt 8
- .byt 4
- ; Chanel sound generator
- .byt 5
- ; select
- .byt 8
- ; Volume A,B,C
- .byt 5
- .byt 5
- .byt 5
- ; Wave period
- .byt 8
- .byt 8
- ; Wave form
- .byt 8
- .res 1,0 ; must be equal to 0
- .res 1,0 ; must be equal to 0
- ; Chanel A Frequency
- .res 1,8
- .res 1,4
- ; Chanel B Frequency
- .res 1,8
- .res 1,4
- ; Chanel C Frequency
- .res 1,8
- .res 1,4
- ; Chanel sound generator
- .res 1,5
- ; select
- .res 1,8
- ; Volume A,B,C
- .res 1,5
- .res 1,5
- .res 1,5
- ; Wave period
- .res 1,8
- .res 1,8
- ; Wave form
- .res 1,8
- .res 1,0
- rts
-_InterruptCallBack_3: ; Used by the music player
- jsr _DoNothing ; Transformed to "jsr _Mym_PlayFrame" -> 12 cycles
-; jsr MiniScrollLoading ; -> 338 cycles
- pla
- tay
- pla
- tax
- pla
- rti
- .res 256*14 ; About 3.5 kilobytes somewhere in memory, we put the music file in overlay memory
+++ /dev/null
-; Based on code by Debrune Jérôme <jede@oric.org>
-; 2016-03-17, Greg King
- ; The following symbol is used by the linker config. file
- ; to force this module to be included into the output file.
- .export __ORIXHDR__:abs = 1
- ; These symbols, also, come from the configuration file.
- .import __AUTORUN__, __PROGFLAG__
- .import __BASHEAD_START__, __MAIN_LAST__
-; ------------------------------------------------------------------------
-; Oric cassette-tape header
-.segment "ORIXHDR"
- .byte $01, $00 ;
- .byte "ori"
- .byte $01 ; version
- .byte $00,%00000000 ; 6502 only
- .byte $00,$00 ; Extends
- .byte $00,$00 ; OS
- .byte $00 ; reserved
- .byte $00 ; auto
- .word __BASHEAD_START__ ; Address of start of file
- .word __MAIN_LAST__ - 1 ; Address of end of file
- .word __BASHEAD_START__ ; Address of start of file
+++ /dev/null
-; Stefan Haubenthal, 2004-05-25
-; Ullrich von Bassewitz, 18.07.2002
-; Defines the platform specific error list.
-; The table is built as a list of entries
-; .byte entrylen
-; .byte errorcode
-; .asciiz errormsg
-; and terminated by an entry with length zero that is returned if the
-; error code could not be found.
- .export __sys_oserrlist
-; Macros used to generate the list (may get moved to an include file?)
-; Regular entry
-.macro sys_oserr_entry code, msg
- .local Start, End
-Start: .byte End - Start
- .byte code
- .asciiz msg
-; Sentinel entry
-.macro sys_oserr_sentinel msg
- .byte 0 ; Length is always zero
- .byte 0 ; Code is unused
- .asciiz msg
-; The error message table
- sys_oserr_entry 1, "File not found"
- sys_oserr_entry 2, "Invalid command end"
- sys_oserr_entry 3, "No drive number"
- sys_oserr_entry 4, "Bad drive number"
- sys_oserr_entry 5, "Invalid filename"
- sys_oserr_entry 6, "fderr=(error number)"
- sys_oserr_entry 7, "Illegal attribute"
- sys_oserr_entry 8, "Wildcard(s) not allowed"
- sys_oserr_entry 9, "File already exists"
- sys_oserr_entry 10, "Insufficient disc space"
- sys_oserr_entry 11, "File open"
- sys_oserr_entry 12, "Illegal quantity"
- sys_oserr_entry 13, "End address missing"
- sys_oserr_entry 14, "Start address > end address"
- sys_oserr_entry 15, "Missing 'to'"
- sys_oserr_entry 16, "Renamed file not on same disc"
- sys_oserr_entry 17, "Unknown array"
- sys_oserr_entry 18, "Target drive not source drive"
- sys_oserr_entry 19, "Destination not specified"
- sys_oserr_entry 20, "Cannot merge and overwrite"
- sys_oserr_entry 21, "Single target file illegal"
- sys_oserr_entry 22, "Syntax"
- sys_oserr_entry 23, "Filename missing"
- sys_oserr_entry 24, "Source file missing"
- sys_oserr_entry 25, "Type mismatch"
- sys_oserr_entry 26, "Disc write-protected"
- sys_oserr_entry 27, "Incompatible drives"
- sys_oserr_entry 28, "File not open"
- sys_oserr_entry 29, "File end"
- sys_oserr_sentinel "Unknown error"
+++ /dev/null
-; Stefan Haubenthal, 2011-04-18
-; int __fastcall__ _osmaperrno (unsigned char oserror);
-; /* Map a system specific error into a system independent code */
- .include "errno.inc"
- .export __osmaperrno
-.proc __osmaperrno
- lda #<EUNKNOWN
- ldx #>EUNKNOWN
- rts
+++ /dev/null
-; Jede
-; print (char * str);
-; This function is a hack!
- .export _print
- .import popax
- .importzp tmp1
- .include "telemon30.inc"
-.proc _print
- stx tmp1
- ldy tmp1
- rts
+++ /dev/null
- .export _kbdclick1,_oups,_ping,_explode,_shoot,_zap
- .include "telemon30.inc"
-.proc _kbdclick1
- LDX #<sound_bip_keyboard
- LDY #>sound_bip_keyboard
- rts
- .byte $1f,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$3e,$10,$00,$00,$1f,$00,$00
-.proc _explode
- rts
-.proc _oups
- rts
-.proc _ping
- rts
-.proc _shoot
- rts
-.proc _zap
- rts
-; XPLAY := $43
-; XSOUND := $44
-; XMUSIC := $45
+++ /dev/null
-; Ullrich von Bassewitz, 2003-08-12
-; unsigned char __fastcall__ _sysuname (struct utsname* buf);
- .export __sysuname, utsdata
- .import utscopy
- __sysuname = utscopy
-; Data. We define a fixed utsname struct here and just copy it.
- ; sysname
- .asciiz "cc65"
- ; nodename
- .asciiz ""
- ; release
- .byte ((.VERSION >> 8) & $0F) + '0'
- .byte '.'
- .if ((.VERSION >> 4) & $0F) > 9
- .byte ((.VERSION >> 4) & $0F) / 10 + '0'
- .byte ((.VERSION >> 4) & $0F) .MOD 10 + '0'
- .else
- .byte ((.VERSION >> 4) & $0F) + '0'
- .endif
- .byte $00
- ; version
- .if (.VERSION & $0F) > 9
- .byte (.VERSION & $0F) / 10 + '0'
- .byte (.VERSION & $0F) .MOD 10 + '0'
- .else
- .byte (.VERSION & $0F) + '0'
- .endif
- .byte $00
- ; machine
- .asciiz "Oric Telestrat"
+++ /dev/null
-; Ullrich von Bassewitz, 2003-04-13
-; int write (int fd, const void* buf, int count);
-; This function is a hack!
- .export _write
- .import popax
- .importzp ptr1, ptr2, ptr3, tmp1
- .include "telemon30.inc"
-.proc _write
- sta ptr3
- stx ptr3+1 ; save count as result
- eor #$FF
- sta ptr2
- txa
- eor #$FF
- sta ptr2+1 ; Remember -count-1
- jsr popax ; get buf
- sta ptr1
- stx ptr1+1
- jsr popax ; get fd and discard
- ; if fd=0001 then it stdout
- cpx #0
- beq next
- jmp L1
- cmp #1
- beq L1
- ; Here it's a file opened
- lda ptr1
- lda ptr1+1
- lda ptr3
- ldy ptr3+1
- rts
-L1: inc ptr2
- bne L2
- inc ptr2+1
- beq L9
-L2: ldy #0
- lda (ptr1),y
- tax
- cpx #$0A ; Check for \n
- bne L3
- lda #$0d ; return to the beggining of the line
- BRK_TELEMON XWR0 ; Macro ;
- ldx #$0D
- inc ptr1
- bne L1
- inc ptr1+1
- jmp L1
-; No error, return count
-L9: lda ptr3
- ldx ptr3+1
- rts
--- /dev/null
+; jede jede@oric.org 2017-01-22
+ ; For XA65 compatibily in the future
+ .FEATURE c_comments,labels_without_colons,pc_assignment, loose_char_term
+ .export _ch376_set_file_name
+ .export _ch376_file_open
+ .export _ch376_ic_get_version
+ .export _ch376_reset
+ .export _ch376_check_exist
+ .export _ch376_disk_mount
+ .export _ch376_set_usb_mode
+ .export _ch376_file_close
+ .export _ch376_seek_file
+ .export _ch376_file_create
+ .export _ch376_fwrite
+ .import popax
+ .include "zeropage.inc"
+ .include "telestrat.inc"
+CH376_ERR_OPEN_DIR = $41
+CH376_ERR_MISS_FILE = $42
+CH376_GET_IC_VER = $01
+CH376_RESET_ALL = $05
+CH376_CHECK_EXIST = $06
+CH376_SET_USB_MODE = $15
+CH376_GET_STATUS = $22
+CH376_RD_USB_DATA0 = $27
+CH376_DISK_CONNECT = $30 ; check the disk connection status
+CH376_DISK_MOUNT = $31
+CH376_FILE_OPEN = $32
+CH376_FILE_ENUM_GO = $33
+CH376_FILE_CREATE = $34
+CH376_FILE_CLOSE = $36
+CH376_BYTE_LOCATE = $39
+CH376_BYTE_READ = $3A
+CH376_BYTE_RD_GO = $3B
+CH376_BYTE_WR_GO = $3D
+CH376_DISK_RD_GO = $55
+.proc _ch376_file_close
+ lda #CH376_FILE_CLOSE
+ sta CH376_COMMAND
+ jsr _ch376_wait_response
+ rts
+.proc _ch376_seek_file
+ ldx #CH376_BYTE_LOCATE
+ stx CH376_COMMAND
+ sta CH376_DATA
+ sty CH376_DATA
+ lda #$00 ; Don't manage 32 bits length
+ sta CH376_DATA
+ sta CH376_DATA
+ jsr _ch376_wait_response
+ rts
+; void ch376_set_file_name(char *filename)
+.proc _ch376_set_file_name
+ sta ptr1
+ stx ptr1+1
+ lda #CH376_SET_FILE_NAME ;$2f
+ sta CH376_COMMAND
+ ldy #0
+ lda (ptr1),y ; replace by bufnom
+ beq end ; we reached 0 value
+ sta CH376_DATA
+ iny
+ cpy #13 ; because we don't manage longfilename shortname =11
+ bne loop
+ sta CH376_DATA
+ rts
+; char _ch376_file_open();
+.proc _ch376_file_open
+ lda #CH376_FILE_OPEN ; $32
+ sta CH376_COMMAND
+ jsr _ch376_wait_response
+ rts
+.proc _ch376_get_file_size
+ lda #CH376_GET_FILE_SIZE
+ sta CH376_COMMAND
+ lda #$68
+ sta CH376_DATA
+ ; store file length 32 bits
+ lda CH376_DATA
+ sta tmp1
+ lda CH376_DATA
+ sta tmp1+1
+ lda CH376_DATA
+ sta tmp2
+ lda CH376_DATA
+ sta tmp2+1
+ rts
+; void ch376_reset();
+.proc _ch376_reset
+ lda #CH376_RESET_ALL ; 5
+ sta CH376_COMMAND
+ ; waiting
+ ldy #0
+ ldx #0
+ nop
+ inx
+ bne loop
+ iny
+ bne loop
+ rts
+; char ch376_check_exist(char value);
+.proc _ch376_check_exist
+ sta tmp1
+ lda #CH376_CHECK_EXIST ;
+ sta CH376_COMMAND
+ lda tmp1
+ sta CH376_DATA
+ lda CH376_DATA
+ rts
+; char ch376_ic_get_version(void)
+.proc _ch376_ic_get_version
+ lda #CH376_GET_IC_VER
+ sta CH376_COMMAND
+ ldx #0
+ lda CH376_DATA
+ rts
+; void ch376_set_usb_mode(char mode)
+.proc _ch376_set_usb_mode
+ ldx #CH376_SET_USB_MODE ; $15
+ stx CH376_COMMAND
+ sta CH376_DATA
+ rts
+; void ch376_set_bytes_write(int value);
+.proc _ch376_set_bytes_write
+ ldy #CH376_BYTE_WRITE
+ sty CH376_COMMAND
+ sta CH376_DATA
+ stx CH376_DATA
+ lda #0
+ sta CH376_DATA
+ sta CH376_DATA
+ jsr _ch376_wait_response
+ rts
+.proc _ch376_set_bytes_read
+ ldy #CH376_BYTE_READ
+ sty CH376_COMMAND
+ ; Storing 32 bits value
+ sta CH376_DATA
+ stx CH376_DATA
+ lda #0
+ sta CH376_DATA
+ sta CH376_DATA
+ jsr _ch376_wait_response
+ rts
+; char ch376_disk_mount();
+.proc _ch376_disk_mount
+ lda #CH376_DISK_MOUNT ; $31
+ sta CH376_COMMAND
+ jsr _ch376_wait_response
+ ; if we read data value, we have then length of the volume name
+ ldx #0
+ rts
+; char ch376_wait_response();
+.proc _ch376_wait_response
+; return 1 if usb controller does not respond
+; else A contains answer of the controller
+ ldy #$FF ; We have to wait 35 ms, but well, this loop is broken when controler is OK
+ ldx #$FF ; don't decrease this counter. Because ch376 won't respond if there is a lower value
+ lda CH376_COMMAND
+ and #%10000000
+ cmp #128
+ bne no_error
+ dex
+ bne loop
+ dey
+ bne loop3
+ ; error is here
+ rts
+ lda #CH376_GET_STATUS
+ sta CH376_COMMAND
+ lda CH376_DATA
+ rts
+.proc _ch376_fread
+ ; use ptr1 to count bytes
+ jsr _ch376_set_bytes_read
+ cmp #CH376_USB_INT_DISK_READ ; something to read
+ beq we_read
+ cmp #CH376_USB_INT_SUCCESS ; finished
+ beq finished
+ ; TODO in A : $ff X: $ff
+ lda #0
+ tax
+ rts
+ lda #CH376_RD_USB_DATA0
+ sta CH376_COMMAND
+ lda CH376_DATA ; contains length read
+ sta tmp2; Number of bytes to read
+ ldy #0
+ lda CH376_DATA ; read the data
+ sta (PTR_READ_DEST),y
+ iny
+ cpy tmp2
+ bne loop
+ tya
+ clc
+ bcc next
+ lda #CH376_BYTE_RD_GO
+ sta CH376_COMMAND
+ jsr _ch376_wait_response
+ jmp continue
+ ; TODO return bytes read
+ lda tmp1
+ ldx tmp1+1
+ rts
+; void _ch376_fwrite(void *ptr,int number)
+.proc _ch376_fwrite
+ ; use ptr1 to count bytes
+ sta ptr2
+ stx ptr2+1
+ jsr popax
+ lda ptr2
+ ldx ptr2+1
+ jsr _ch376_set_bytes_write
+ cmp #CH376_USB_INT_DISK_WRITE ; something to read
+ beq we_read
+ cmp #CH376_USB_INT_SUCCESS ; finished
+ beq finished
+ lda #0
+ tax
+ rts
+ lda #CH376_CMD_WR_REQ_DATA
+ sta CH376_COMMAND
+ lda CH376_DATA ; contains length read
+ sta tmp2; Number of bytes to read
+ ldy #0
+ lda (PTR_READ_DEST),y
+ sta CH376_DATA ; read the data
+ dec tmp2
+ bne loop
+ lda #CH376_BYTE_WR_GO
+ sta CH376_COMMAND
+ jsr _ch376_wait_response
+ jmp continue
+ lda tmp1
+ ldx tmp1+1
+ rts
+.proc _ch376_file_create
+ lda #CH376_FILE_CREATE
+ sta CH376_COMMAND
+ jsr _ch376_wait_response
+ rts
--- /dev/null
+; jede jede@oric.org 2017-01-22
+ .export _close
+ .import addysp,popax
+ .include "zeropage.inc"
+ .include "telestrat.inc"
+ .include "errno.inc"
+ .include "fcntl.inc"
+; int open (const char* name, int flags, ...); /* May take a mode argument */
+.proc _close
+ BRK_TELEMON XCLOSE ; launch primitive ROM
+ rts
\ No newline at end of file
--- /dev/null
+; Startup code for cc65 (Oric version)
+; By Debrune Jérôme <jede@oric.org> and Ullrich von Bassewitz <uz@cc65.org>
+ .export _exit
+ .export __STARTUP__ : absolute = 1 ; Mark as startup
+ .import initlib, donelib
+ .import callmain, zerobss
+ .import __MAIN_START__, __MAIN_SIZE__
+ .include "zeropage.inc"
+ .include "telestrat.inc"
+; ------------------------------------------------------------------------
+; Place the startup code in a special segment.
+.segment "STARTUP"
+ tsx
+ stx spsave ; Save system stk ptr
+; Save space by putting some of the start-up code in a segment
+; that will be re-used.
+ jsr init
+; Clear the BSS variables (after the constructors have been run).
+ jsr zerobss
+; Push the command-line arguments; and, call main().
+ jsr callmain
+; Call the module destructors. This is also the exit() entry.
+_exit: jsr donelib
+; Restore the system stuff.
+ ldx spsave
+ txs
+; Copy back the zero-page stuff.
+ ldx #zpspace - 1
+L2: lda zpsave,x
+ sta sp,x
+ dex
+ bpl L2
+; Back to BASIC.
+ rts
+; ------------------------------------------------------------------------
+; Put this code in a place that will be re-used by BSS, the heap,
+; and the C stack.
+.segment "ONCE"
+; Save the zero-page area that we're about to use.
+init: ldx #zpspace - 1
+L1: lda sp,x
+ sta zpsave,x
+ dex
+ bpl L1
+; Set up the C stack.
+ lda #<(__MAIN_START__ + __MAIN_SIZE__)
+ ldx #>(__MAIN_START__ + __MAIN_SIZE__)
+ sta sp
+ stx sp+1 ; Set argument stack ptr
+; Call the module constructors.
+ jmp initlib
+; ------------------------------------------------------------------------
+.segment "INIT"
+spsave: .res 1
+stsave: .res 1
+zpsave: .res zpspace
--- /dev/null
+; Ullrich von Bassewitz, 2003-04-13
+; Character specification table.
+; The tables are readonly, put them into the rodata segment
+; The following 256 byte wide table specifies attributes for the isxxx type
+; of functions. Doing it by a table means some overhead in space, but it
+; has major advantages:
+; * It is fast. If it were'nt for the slow parameter passing of cc65, one
+; could even define macros for the isxxx functions (this is usually
+; done on other platforms).
+; * It is highly portable. The only unportable part is the table itself,
+; all real code goes into the common library.
+; * We save some code in the isxxx functions.
+; Bit assignments:
+; 0 - Lower case char
+; 1 - Upper case char
+; 2 - Numeric digit
+; 3 - Hex digit (both, lower and upper)
+; 4 - Control character
+; 5 - The space character itself
+; 6 - Other whitespace (that is: '\f', '\n', '\r', '\t' and '\v')
+; 7 - Space or tab character
+ .export __ctype
+ .byte $10 ; 0/00 ___ctrl_@___
+ .byte $10 ; 1/01 ___ctrl_A___
+ .byte $10 ; 2/02 ___ctrl_B___
+ .byte $10 ; 3/03 ___ctrl_C___
+ .byte $10 ; 4/04 ___ctrl_D___
+ .byte $10 ; 5/05 ___ctrl_E___
+ .byte $10 ; 6/06 ___ctrl_F___
+ .byte $10 ; 7/07 ___ctrl_G___
+ .byte $10 ; 8/08 ___ctrl_H___
+ .byte $D0 ; 9/09 ___ctrl_I___
+ .byte $50 ; 10/0a ___ctrl_J___
+ .byte $50 ; 11/0b ___ctrl_K___
+ .byte $50 ; 12/0c ___ctrl_L___
+ .byte $50 ; 13/0d ___ctrl_M___
+ .byte $10 ; 14/0e ___ctrl_N___
+ .byte $10 ; 15/0f ___ctrl_O___
+ .byte $10 ; 16/10 ___ctrl_P___
+ .byte $10 ; 17/11 ___ctrl_Q___
+ .byte $10 ; 18/12 ___ctrl_R___
+ .byte $10 ; 19/13 ___ctrl_S___
+ .byte $10 ; 20/14 ___ctrl_T___
+ .byte $10 ; 21/15 ___ctrl_U___
+ .byte $10 ; 22/16 ___ctrl_V___
+ .byte $10 ; 23/17 ___ctrl_W___
+ .byte $10 ; 24/18 ___ctrl_X___
+ .byte $10 ; 25/19 ___ctrl_Y___
+ .byte $10 ; 26/1a ___ctrl_Z___
+ .byte $10 ; 27/1b ___ctrl_[___
+ .byte $10 ; 28/1c ___ctrl_\___
+ .byte $10 ; 29/1d ___ctrl_]___
+ .byte $10 ; 30/1e ___ctrl_^___
+ .byte $10 ; 31/1f ___ctrl_____
+ .byte $A0 ; 32/20 ___SPACE___
+ .byte $00 ; 33/21 _____!_____
+ .byte $00 ; 34/22 _____"_____
+ .byte $00 ; 35/23 _____#_____
+ .byte $00 ; 36/24 _____$_____
+ .byte $00 ; 37/25 _____%_____
+ .byte $00 ; 38/26 _____&_____
+ .byte $00 ; 39/27 _____'_____
+ .byte $00 ; 40/28 _____(_____
+ .byte $00 ; 41/29 _____)_____
+ .byte $00 ; 42/2a _____*_____
+ .byte $00 ; 43/2b _____+_____
+ .byte $00 ; 44/2c _____,_____
+ .byte $00 ; 45/2d _____-_____
+ .byte $00 ; 46/2e _____._____
+ .byte $00 ; 47/2f _____/_____
+ .byte $0C ; 48/30 _____0_____
+ .byte $0C ; 49/31 _____1_____
+ .byte $0C ; 50/32 _____2_____
+ .byte $0C ; 51/33 _____3_____
+ .byte $0C ; 52/34 _____4_____
+ .byte $0C ; 53/35 _____5_____
+ .byte $0C ; 54/36 _____6_____
+ .byte $0C ; 55/37 _____7_____
+ .byte $0C ; 56/38 _____8_____
+ .byte $0C ; 57/39 _____9_____
+ .byte $00 ; 58/3a _____:_____
+ .byte $00 ; 59/3b _____;_____
+ .byte $00 ; 60/3c _____<_____
+ .byte $00 ; 61/3d _____=_____
+ .byte $00 ; 62/3e _____>_____
+ .byte $00 ; 63/3f _____?_____
+ .byte $00 ; 64/40 _____@_____
+ .byte $0A ; 65/41 _____A_____
+ .byte $0A ; 66/42 _____B_____
+ .byte $0A ; 67/43 _____C_____
+ .byte $0A ; 68/44 _____D_____
+ .byte $0A ; 69/45 _____E_____
+ .byte $0A ; 70/46 _____F_____
+ .byte $02 ; 71/47 _____G_____
+ .byte $02 ; 72/48 _____H_____
+ .byte $02 ; 73/49 _____I_____
+ .byte $02 ; 74/4a _____J_____
+ .byte $02 ; 75/4b _____K_____
+ .byte $02 ; 76/4c _____L_____
+ .byte $02 ; 77/4d _____M_____
+ .byte $02 ; 78/4e _____N_____
+ .byte $02 ; 79/4f _____O_____
+ .byte $02 ; 80/50 _____P_____
+ .byte $02 ; 81/51 _____Q_____
+ .byte $02 ; 82/52 _____R_____
+ .byte $02 ; 83/53 _____S_____
+ .byte $02 ; 84/54 _____T_____
+ .byte $02 ; 85/55 _____U_____
+ .byte $02 ; 86/56 _____V_____
+ .byte $02 ; 87/57 _____W_____
+ .byte $02 ; 88/58 _____X_____
+ .byte $02 ; 89/59 _____Y_____
+ .byte $02 ; 90/5a _____Z_____
+ .byte $00 ; 91/5b _____[_____
+ .byte $00 ; 92/5c _____\_____
+ .byte $00 ; 93/5d _____]_____
+ .byte $00 ; 94/5e _____^_____
+ .byte $00 ; 95/5f _UNDERLINE_
+ .byte $00 ; 96/60 ___grave___
+ .byte $09 ; 97/61 _____a_____
+ .byte $09 ; 98/62 _____b_____
+ .byte $09 ; 99/63 _____c_____
+ .byte $09 ; 100/64 _____d_____
+ .byte $09 ; 101/65 _____e_____
+ .byte $09 ; 102/66 _____f_____
+ .byte $01 ; 103/67 _____g_____
+ .byte $01 ; 104/68 _____h_____
+ .byte $01 ; 105/69 _____i_____
+ .byte $01 ; 106/6a _____j_____
+ .byte $01 ; 107/6b _____k_____
+ .byte $01 ; 108/6c _____l_____
+ .byte $01 ; 109/6d _____m_____
+ .byte $01 ; 110/6e _____n_____
+ .byte $01 ; 111/6f _____o_____
+ .byte $01 ; 112/70 _____p_____
+ .byte $01 ; 113/71 _____q_____
+ .byte $01 ; 114/72 _____r_____
+ .byte $01 ; 115/73 _____s_____
+ .byte $01 ; 116/74 _____t_____
+ .byte $01 ; 117/75 _____u_____
+ .byte $01 ; 118/76 _____v_____
+ .byte $01 ; 119/77 _____w_____
+ .byte $01 ; 120/78 _____x_____
+ .byte $01 ; 121/79 _____y_____
+ .byte $01 ; 122/7a _____z_____
+ .byte $00 ; 123/7b _____{_____
+ .byte $00 ; 124/7c _____|_____
+ .byte $00 ; 125/7d _____}_____
+ .byte $00 ; 126/7e _____~_____
+ .byte $40 ; 127/7f ____DEL____
+ .byte $00 ; 128/80 ___________
+ .byte $00 ; 129/81 ___________
+ .byte $00 ; 130/82 ___________
+ .byte $00 ; 131/83 ___________
+ .byte $00 ; 132/84 ___________
+ .byte $00 ; 133/85 ___________
+ .byte $00 ; 134/86 ___________
+ .byte $00 ; 135/87 ___________
+ .byte $00 ; 136/88 ___________
+ .byte $00 ; 137/89 ___________
+ .byte $00 ; 138/8a ___________
+ .byte $00 ; 139/8b ___________
+ .byte $00 ; 140/8c ___________
+ .byte $00 ; 141/8d ___________
+ .byte $00 ; 142/8e ___________
+ .byte $00 ; 143/8f ___________
+ .byte $00 ; 144/90 ___________
+ .byte $00 ; 145/91 ___________
+ .byte $00 ; 146/92 ___________
+ .byte $10 ; 147/93 ___________
+ .byte $00 ; 148/94 ___________
+ .byte $00 ; 149/95 ___________
+ .byte $00 ; 150/96 ___________
+ .byte $00 ; 151/97 ___________
+ .byte $00 ; 152/98 ___________
+ .byte $00 ; 153/99 ___________
+ .byte $00 ; 154/9a ___________
+ .byte $00 ; 155/9b ___________
+ .byte $00 ; 156/9c ___________
+ .byte $00 ; 157/9d ___________
+ .byte $00 ; 158/9e ___________
+ .byte $00 ; 159/9f ___________
+ .byte $00 ; 160/a0 ___________
+ .byte $00 ; 161/a1 ___________
+ .byte $00 ; 162/a2 ___________
+ .byte $00 ; 163/a3 ___________
+ .byte $00 ; 164/a4 ___________
+ .byte $00 ; 165/a5 ___________
+ .byte $00 ; 166/a6 ___________
+ .byte $00 ; 167/a7 ___________
+ .byte $00 ; 168/a8 ___________
+ .byte $00 ; 169/a9 ___________
+ .byte $00 ; 170/aa ___________
+ .byte $00 ; 171/ab ___________
+ .byte $00 ; 172/ac ___________
+ .byte $00 ; 173/ad ___________
+ .byte $00 ; 174/ae ___________
+ .byte $00 ; 175/af ___________
+ .byte $00 ; 176/b0 ___________
+ .byte $00 ; 177/b1 ___________
+ .byte $00 ; 178/b2 ___________
+ .byte $00 ; 179/b3 ___________
+ .byte $00 ; 180/b4 ___________
+ .byte $00 ; 181/b5 ___________
+ .byte $00 ; 182/b6 ___________
+ .byte $00 ; 183/b7 ___________
+ .byte $00 ; 184/b8 ___________
+ .byte $00 ; 185/b9 ___________
+ .byte $00 ; 186/ba ___________
+ .byte $00 ; 187/bb ___________
+ .byte $00 ; 188/bc ___________
+ .byte $00 ; 189/bd ___________
+ .byte $00 ; 190/be ___________
+ .byte $00 ; 191/bf ___________
+ .byte $02 ; 192/c0 ___________
+ .byte $02 ; 193/c1 ___________
+ .byte $02 ; 194/c2 ___________
+ .byte $02 ; 195/c3 ___________
+ .byte $02 ; 196/c4 ___________
+ .byte $02 ; 197/c5 ___________
+ .byte $02 ; 198/c6 ___________
+ .byte $02 ; 199/c7 ___________
+ .byte $02 ; 200/c8 ___________
+ .byte $02 ; 201/c9 ___________
+ .byte $02 ; 202/ca ___________
+ .byte $02 ; 203/cb ___________
+ .byte $02 ; 204/cc ___________
+ .byte $02 ; 205/cd ___________
+ .byte $02 ; 206/ce ___________
+ .byte $02 ; 207/cf ___________
+ .byte $02 ; 208/d0 ___________
+ .byte $02 ; 209/d1 ___________
+ .byte $02 ; 210/d2 ___________
+ .byte $02 ; 211/d3 ___________
+ .byte $02 ; 212/d4 ___________
+ .byte $02 ; 213/d5 ___________
+ .byte $02 ; 214/d6 ___________
+ .byte $02 ; 215/d7 ___________
+ .byte $02 ; 216/d8 ___________
+ .byte $02 ; 217/d9 ___________
+ .byte $02 ; 218/da ___________
+ .byte $02 ; 219/db ___________
+ .byte $02 ; 220/dc ___________
+ .byte $02 ; 221/dd ___________
+ .byte $02 ; 222/de ___________
+ .byte $00 ; 223/df ___________
+ .byte $01 ; 224/e0 ___________
+ .byte $01 ; 225/e1 ___________
+ .byte $01 ; 226/e2 ___________
+ .byte $01 ; 227/e3 ___________
+ .byte $01 ; 228/e4 ___________
+ .byte $01 ; 229/e5 ___________
+ .byte $01 ; 230/e6 ___________
+ .byte $01 ; 231/e7 ___________
+ .byte $01 ; 232/e8 ___________
+ .byte $01 ; 233/e9 ___________
+ .byte $01 ; 234/ea ___________
+ .byte $01 ; 235/eb ___________
+ .byte $01 ; 236/ec ___________
+ .byte $01 ; 237/ed ___________
+ .byte $01 ; 238/ee ___________
+ .byte $01 ; 239/ef ___________
+ .byte $01 ; 240/f0 ___________
+ .byte $01 ; 241/f1 ___________
+ .byte $01 ; 242/f2 ___________
+ .byte $01 ; 243/f3 ___________
+ .byte $01 ; 244/f4 ___________
+ .byte $01 ; 245/f5 ___________
+ .byte $01 ; 246/f6 ___________
+ .byte $01 ; 247/f7 ___________
+ .byte $01 ; 248/f8 ___________
+ .byte $01 ; 249/f9 ___________
+ .byte $01 ; 250/fa ___________
+ .byte $01 ; 251/fb ___________
+ .byte $01 ; 252/fc ___________
+ .byte $01 ; 253/fd ___________
+ .byte $01 ; 254/fe ___________
+ .byte $00 ; 255/ff ___________
--- /dev/null
+; jede jede@oric.org 2017-01-22
+ .export _paper,_hires,_text,_circle,_curset, _switchOffCursor
+ .include "zeropage.inc"
+ .include "telestrat.inc"
+ .import popa
+.proc _paper
+ ldx #0 ; First window
+ ; A contains the paper
+ rts
+; XINK is bugged, it corrupt memory : removing from export
+.proc _ink
+ ldx #0 ; First window
+ ; A contains the ink
+ rts
+; can be optimized with a macro
+.proc _hires
+ rts
+.proc _text
+ rts
+.proc _curset
+ jsr popa ; Pixel
+ jsr popa
+ sta HRSX
+ jsr popa
+ sta HRSY
+ rts
+.proc _circle
+ sta HRS1
+ rts
+.proc _switchOffCursor
+ ldx #0
+ rts
--- /dev/null
+; jede jede@oric.org 2017-01-22
+ .export _key
+ .include "zeropage.inc"
+ .include "telestrat.inc"
+; char key(void);
+.proc _key
+ BRK_TELEMON XRDW0 ; read keyboard
+ rts
--- /dev/null
+; 2003-03-07, Ullrich von Bassewitz
+; 2011-01-28, Stefan Haubenthal
+; 2014-09-10, Greg King
+; Set up arguments for main
+ .constructor initmainargs, 24
+ .import __argc, __argv
+ .import ptr1
+ .include "telestrat.inc"
+ .macpack generic
+MAXARGS = 10 ; Maximum number of arguments allowed
+; Assume that the program was loaded, a moment ago, by the traditional LOAD
+; statement. Save the "most-recent filename" as argument #0.
+ ldx #0 ; Limit the length
+L0: lda BUFEDT,x
+ beq L3
+ cmp #' '
+ bne L1
+ lda #0
+ beq L3
+L1: sta name,x
+ inx
+ cpx #FNAME_LEN
+ bne L0
+ lda #0
+ sta name,x
+ inc __argc ; argc always is equal to, at least, 1
+ ldy #1 * 2 ; Point to second argv slot
+next: lda BUFEDT,x
+ beq done ; End of line reached
+ inx
+ cmp #' ' ; Skip leading spaces
+ beq next
+found: cmp #'"' ; Is the argument quoted?
+ beq setterm ; Jump if so
+ dex ; Reset pointer to first argument character
+ lda #' ' ; A space ends the argument
+setterm:sta term ; Set end of argument marker
+; Now, store a pointer, to the argument, into the next slot.
+ txa ; Get low byte
+ clc
+ adc #<BUFEDT
+ bcc L4
+ inc L5+1
+ sta argv,y ; argv[y]=&arg
+ lda #>BUFEDT
+ sta argv+1,y
+ iny
+ iny
+ inc __argc ; Found another arg
+; Search for the end of the argument
+argloop:lda BUFEDT,x
+ beq done
+ inx
+ cmp term
+ bne argloop
+; We've found the end of the argument. X points one character behind it, and
+; A contains the terminating character. To make the argument a valid C string,
+; replace the terminating character by a zero.
+ lda #0
+ sta BUFEDT-1,x
+; Check if the maximum number of command line arguments is reached. If not,
+; parse the next one.
+ lda __argc ; Get low byte of argument count
+ cmp #MAXARGS ; Maximum number of arguments reached?
+ bcc next ; Parse next one if not
+done: lda #<argv
+ ldx #>argv
+ sta __argv
+ stx __argv + 1
+ rts
+.segment "INIT"
+term: .res 1
+name: .res FNAME_LEN + 1
+args: .res SCREEN_XSIZE * 2 - 1
+ .res 1
+; char* argv[MAXARGS+1]={name};
+ .addr name
+ .res MAXARGS * 2
--- /dev/null
+ .export _Mym_MusicStart
+ .importzp sp,tmp2,tmp3,tmp1,ptr1
+ .include "telestrat.inc"
+; To check: AYC
+; http://cpcwiki.eu/index.php/AYC
+_DecodedByte :=$D0 ; Byte being currently decoded from the MYM stream
+_DecodeBitCounter :=$D2 ; Number of bits we can read in the current byte
+_DecodedResult :=$D3 ; What is returned by the 'read bits' function
+_CurrentAYRegister :=$D4 ; Contains the number of the register being decoded
+_RegisterBufferHigh :=$D5 ; Points to the high byte of the decoded register buffer, increment to move to the next register
+_BufferFrameOffset :=$D6 ; From 0 to 127, used when filling the decoded register buffer
+_MusicResetCounter :=$D7 ; 2 bytes Contains the number of rows to play before reseting
+_CurrentFrame :=$D9 ; From 0 to 255 and then cycles... the index of the frame to play this vbl
+_PlayerVbl :=$DA
+_FrameLoadBalancer :=$DB ; We depack a new frame every 9 VBLs, this way the 14 registers are evenly depacked over 128 frames
+VIA_1 := $30f
+VIA_2 := $30c
+_MusicData := $c000
+; mym(char *buf)
+; Current PSG values during unpacking
+.proc _Mym_MusicStart
+ ; The two first bytes of the MYM music is the number of rows in the music
+ ; We decrement that at each frame, and when we reach zero, time to start again.
+ sta ptr1
+ stx ptr1+1
+ ldy #0
+ lda (ptr1),y
+ sta _MusicResetCounter+0
+ iny
+ lda (ptr1),y
+ tax
+ inx
+ stx _MusicResetCounter+1
+ ;ldx _MusicData+0
+ ;stx _MusicResetCounter+0
+ ;ldx _MusicData+1
+ ;inx
+ ;stx _MusicResetCounter+1
+ ; Initialize the read bit counter
+ ldy #2 ; should be useless because we can do iny which earn 1 byte
+ lda ptr1
+ clc
+ adc #2
+ bcc next20
+ inc ptr1+1
+ lda ptr1+1
+ sta __auto_music_ptr+2
+ sta ptr1
+ sta __auto_music_ptr+1
+ ;lda #<(_MusicData+2)
+ ;sta __auto_music_ptr+1
+ ;lda #>(_MusicData+2)
+ ;sta __auto_music_ptr+2
+ lda #1
+ sta _DecodeBitCounter
+ ; Clear all data
+ lda #0
+ sta _DecodedResult
+ sta _DecodedByte
+ sta _PlayerVbl
+ sta _PlayerRegCurrentValue
+ sta _BufferFrameOffset
+ sta _PlayerCount
+ sta _CurrentAYRegister
+ sta _CurrentFrame
+ ldx #14
+ dex
+ sta _PlayerRegValues,x
+ bne loop_init
+ ;
+ ; Unpack the 128 first register frames
+ ;
+ lda #>_PlayerBuffer
+ sta _RegisterBufferHigh
+ ldx #0
+ stx _CurrentAYRegister
+ ; Unpack that register
+ jsr _PlayerUnpackRegister2
+ ; Next register
+ ldx _CurrentAYRegister
+ inx
+ cpx #14
+ bne unpack_block_loop
+ lda #128
+ sta _PlayerVbl+0
+ lda #0
+ sta _PlayerCount
+ sta _CurrentAYRegister
+ sta _CurrentFrame
+ lda #9
+ sta _FrameLoadBalancer
+ lda #1
+ sta _MusicPlaying
+ ;
+ ; Install the IRQ
+ ;
+ php
+ sei
+ lda #<_Mym_PlayFrame
+ sta _InterruptCallBack_3+1
+ lda #>_Mym_PlayFrame
+ sta _InterruptCallBack_3+2
+ plp
+ rts
+ ; Indicate the main code that the music is finished
+ lda #0
+ sta _MusicPlaying
+ ; Disable the IRQ so it does not conflict or cause weird things
+ php
+ sei
+ lda #<_DoNothing
+ sta _InterruptCallBack_3+1
+ lda #>_DoNothing
+ sta _InterruptCallBack_3+2
+ plp
+ ; Cut the sound so it does not sounds like a dying cat
+ ; y=register number
+ ; x=value to write
+ ldy #7 ; Control register
+ ldx #$FF
+ jsr _PsgPlayRegister
+ ldy #8 ; Volume A
+ ldx #0
+ jsr _PsgPlayRegister
+ ldy #9 ; Volume B
+ ldx #0
+ jsr _PsgPlayRegister
+ ldy #10 ; Volume C
+ ldx #0
+ jsr _PsgPlayRegister
+ rts
+ ;
+ ; Check for end of music
+ ; CountZero: $81,$0d
+ dec _MusicResetCounter+0
+ bne music_contines
+ dec _MusicResetCounter+1
+ bne music_contines
+ jmp _Mym_MusicStop
+ ;
+ ; Play a frame of 14 registers
+ ;
+ lda _CurrentFrame
+ sta _auto_psg_play_read+1
+ lda #>_PlayerBuffer
+ sta _auto_psg_play_read+2
+ ldy #0
+ ldx _PlayerBuffer
+ ; y=register number
+ ; x=value to write
+ jsr _PsgPlayRegister
+ inc _auto_psg_play_read+2
+ iny
+ cpy #14
+ bne register_loop
+ inc _CurrentFrame
+ inc _PlayerCount
+ lda _CurrentAYRegister
+ cmp #14
+ bcs end_reg
+ dec _FrameLoadBalancer
+ bne end
+ jsr _PlayerUnpackRegister
+ inc _CurrentAYRegister
+ lda #9
+ sta _FrameLoadBalancer
+ rts
+ lda _PlayerCount
+ cmp #128
+ bcc skip2
+ lda #0
+ sta _CurrentAYRegister
+ sta _PlayerCount
+ lda #9
+ sta _FrameLoadBalancer
+ clc
+ lda _PlayerVbl+0
+ adc #128
+ sta _PlayerVbl+0
+ rts
+; y=register number
+; x=value to write
+ sty VIA_1
+ txa
+ pha
+ lda VIA_2
+ ora #$EE ; $EE 238 11101110
+ sta VIA_2
+ and #$11 ; $11 17 00010001
+ ora #$CC ; $CC 204 11001100
+ sta VIA_2
+ tax
+ pla
+ sta VIA_1
+ txa
+ ora #$EC ; $EC 236 11101100
+ sta VIA_2
+ and #$11 ; $11 17 00010001
+ ora #$CC ; $CC 204 11001100
+ sta VIA_2
+ rts
+; Initialise X with the number of bits to read
+; Y is not modifier
+ lda #0
+ sta _DecodedResult
+ ; Will iterate X times (number of bits to read)
+ dec _DecodeBitCounter
+ beq get_next_byte
+ asl _DecodedByte
+ rol _DecodedResult
+ dex
+ bne loop_read_bits
+ rts
+ ; reset mask
+ lda #8
+ sta _DecodeBitCounter
+ ; fetch a new byte, and increment the adress.
+ lda _MusicData+2
+ sta _DecodedByte
+ inc __auto_music_ptr+1
+ bne shift_bit
+ inc __auto_music_ptr+2
+ jmp shift_bit
+ lda #>_PlayerBuffer
+ clc
+ adc _CurrentAYRegister
+ sta _RegisterBufferHigh
+ ;
+ ; Init register bit count and current value
+ ;
+ ldx _CurrentAYRegister
+ lda _PlayerRegValues,x
+ sta _PlayerRegCurrentValue
+ ;
+ ; Check if it's packed or not
+ ; and call adequate routine...
+ ;
+ ldx #1
+ jsr _ReadBits
+ ldx _DecodedResult
+ bne DecompressFragment
+ ;
+ ; No change at all, just repeat '_PlayerRegCurrentValue' 128 times
+ ;
+ lda _RegisterBufferHigh ; highpart of buffer adress + register number
+ sta __auto_copy_unchanged_write+2
+ ldx #128 ; 128 iterations
+ lda _PlayerRegCurrentValue ; Value to write
+ ldy _PlayerVbl
+ sta _PlayerBuffer,y
+ iny
+ dex
+ bne repeat_loop
+ jmp player_main_return
+ ; Write back register current value
+ ldx _CurrentAYRegister
+ lda _PlayerRegCurrentValue
+ sta _PlayerRegValues,x
+ ; Move to the next register buffer
+ inc _RegisterBufferHigh
+ rts
+ lda _PlayerVbl ; Either 0 or 128 at this point else we have a problem...
+ sta _BufferFrameOffset
+ ; Check packing method
+ ldx #1
+ jsr _ReadBits
+ ldx _DecodedResult
+ bne PlayerNotCopyLast
+ ; We just copy the current value 128 times
+ lda _RegisterBufferHigh ; highpart of buffer adress + register number
+ sta __auto_player_copy_last+2
+ ldx _BufferFrameOffset ; Value between 00 and 7f
+ lda _PlayerRegCurrentValue ; Value to copy
+ sta _PlayerBuffer,x
+ inc _BufferFrameOffset
+ ; Check end of loop
+ lda _BufferFrameOffset
+ and #127
+ bne decompressFragmentLoop
+ jmp player_main_return
+ ; Check packing method
+ ldx #1
+ jsr _ReadBits
+ ldx _DecodedResult
+ beq DecompressWithOffset
+ ; Read new register value (variable bit count)
+ ldx _CurrentAYRegister
+ lda _PlayerRegBits,x
+ tax
+ jsr _ReadBits
+ ldx _DecodedResult
+ stx _PlayerRegCurrentValue
+ ; Copy to stream
+ lda _RegisterBufferHigh ; highpart of buffer adress + register number
+ sta __auto_player_read_new+2
+ ldx _BufferFrameOffset ; Value between 00 and 7f
+ lda _PlayerRegCurrentValue ; New value to write
+ sta _PlayerBuffer,x
+ inc _BufferFrameOffset
+ jmp player_return
+ ; Read Offset (0 to 127)
+ ldx #7
+ jsr _ReadBits
+ lda _RegisterBufferHigh ; highpart of buffer adress + register number
+ sta __auto_write+2 ; Write adress
+ sta __auto_read+2 ; Read adress
+ ; Compute wrap around offset...
+ lda _BufferFrameOffset ; between 0 and 255
+ clc
+ adc _DecodedResult ; + Offset Between 00 and 7f
+ sec
+ sbc #128 ; -128
+ tay
+ ; Read count (7 bits)
+ ldx #7
+ jsr _ReadBits
+ inc _DecodedResult ; 1 to 129
+ ldx _BufferFrameOffset
+ lda _PlayerBuffer,y ; Y for reading
+ iny
+ sta _PlayerBuffer,x ; X for writing
+ inx
+ dec _DecodedResult
+ bne player_copy_offset_loop
+ stx _BufferFrameOffset
+ sta _PlayerRegCurrentValue
+ jmp player_return
+; Size in bits of each PSG register
+ ; Chanel A Frequency
+ .byt 8
+ .byt 4
+ ; Chanel B Frequency
+ .byt 8
+ .byt 4
+ ; Chanel C Frequency
+ .byt 8
+ .byt 4
+ ; Chanel sound generator
+ .byt 5
+ ; select
+ .byt 8
+ ; Volume A,B,C
+ .byt 5
+ .byt 5
+ .byt 5
+ ; Wave period
+ .byt 8
+ .byt 8
+ ; Wave form
+ .byt 8
+ .res 1,0 ; must be equal to 0
+ .res 1,0 ; must be equal to 0
+ ; Chanel A Frequency
+ .res 1,8
+ .res 1,4
+ ; Chanel B Frequency
+ .res 1,8
+ .res 1,4
+ ; Chanel C Frequency
+ .res 1,8
+ .res 1,4
+ ; Chanel sound generator
+ .res 1,5
+ ; select
+ .res 1,8
+ ; Volume A,B,C
+ .res 1,5
+ .res 1,5
+ .res 1,5
+ ; Wave period
+ .res 1,8
+ .res 1,8
+ ; Wave form
+ .res 1,8
+ .res 1,0
+ rts
+_InterruptCallBack_3: ; Used by the music player
+ jsr _DoNothing ; Transformed to "jsr _Mym_PlayFrame" -> 12 cycles
+; jsr MiniScrollLoading ; -> 338 cycles
+ pla
+ tay
+ pla
+ tax
+ pla
+ rti
+ .res 256*14 ; About 3.5 kilobytes somewhere in memory, we put the music file in overlay memory
--- /dev/null
+ .export _open
+ .import addysp,popax
+ .importzp sp,tmp2,tmp3,tmp1
+ .include "telestrat.inc"
+ .include "errno.inc"
+ .include "fcntl.inc"
+; int open (const char* name, int flags, ...); /* May take a mode argument */
+.proc _open
+; Throw away any additional parameters passed through the ellipsis
+ dey ; Parm count < 4 shouldn't be needed to be...
+ dey ; ...checked (it generates a c compiler warning)
+ dey
+ dey
+ beq parmok ; Branch if parameter count ok
+ jsr addysp ; Fix stack, throw away unused parameters
+; Parameters ok. Pop the flags and save them into tmp3
+parmok: jsr popax ; Get flagss
+ sta tmp3 ; save flags
+; Get the filename from stack and parse it. Bail out if is not ok
+ jsr popax ; Get name
+ ldy tmp3 ; Get flags again
+ BRK_TELEMON XOPEN ; launch primitive ROM
+ rts
\ No newline at end of file
--- /dev/null
+; By Debrune Jérôme <jede@oric.org>
+ ; The following symbol is used by the linker config. file
+ ; to force this module to be included into the output file.
+ .export __ORIXHDR__:abs = 1
+ ; These symbols, also, come from the configuration file.
+ .import __AUTORUN__, __PROGFLAG__
+ .import __BASHEAD_START__, __MAIN_LAST__
+; ------------------------------------------------------------------------
+; Orix header see http://orix.oric.org/doku.php?id=orix:header for specs
+.segment "ORIXHDR"
+ .byte $01, $00 ;
+ .byte "ori"
+ .byte $01 ; version
+ .byte $00,%00000000 ; 6502 only
+ .byte $00,$00 ; Extends
+ .byte $00,$00 ; OS
+ .byte $00 ; reserved
+ .byte $00 ; auto
+ .word __BASHEAD_START__ ; Address of start of file
+ .word __MAIN_LAST__ - 1 ; Address of end of file
+ .word __BASHEAD_START__ ; Address of start of file
--- /dev/null
+; Stefan Haubenthal, 2004-05-25
+; Ullrich von Bassewitz, 18.07.2002
+; Defines the platform specific error list.
+; The table is built as a list of entries
+; .byte entrylen
+; .byte errorcode
+; .asciiz errormsg
+; and terminated by an entry with length zero that is returned if the
+; error code could not be found.
+ .export __sys_oserrlist
+; Macros used to generate the list (may get moved to an include file?)
+; Regular entry
+.macro sys_oserr_entry code, msg
+ .local Start, End
+Start: .byte End - Start
+ .byte code
+ .asciiz msg
+; Sentinel entry
+.macro sys_oserr_sentinel msg
+ .byte 0 ; Length is always zero
+ .byte 0 ; Code is unused
+ .asciiz msg
+; The error message table
+ sys_oserr_entry 1, "File not found"
+ sys_oserr_entry 2, "Invalid command end"
+ sys_oserr_entry 3, "No drive number"
+ sys_oserr_entry 4, "Bad drive number"
+ sys_oserr_entry 5, "Invalid filename"
+ sys_oserr_entry 6, "fderr=(error number)"
+ sys_oserr_entry 7, "Illegal attribute"
+ sys_oserr_entry 8, "Wildcard(s) not allowed"
+ sys_oserr_entry 9, "File already exists"
+ sys_oserr_entry 10, "Insufficient disc space"
+ sys_oserr_entry 11, "File open"
+ sys_oserr_entry 12, "Illegal quantity"
+ sys_oserr_entry 13, "End address missing"
+ sys_oserr_entry 14, "Start address > end address"
+ sys_oserr_entry 15, "Missing 'to'"
+ sys_oserr_entry 16, "Renamed file not on same disc"
+ sys_oserr_entry 17, "Unknown array"
+ sys_oserr_entry 18, "Target drive not source drive"
+ sys_oserr_entry 19, "Destination not specified"
+ sys_oserr_entry 20, "Cannot merge and overwrite"
+ sys_oserr_entry 21, "Single target file illegal"
+ sys_oserr_entry 22, "Syntax"
+ sys_oserr_entry 23, "Filename missing"
+ sys_oserr_entry 24, "Source file missing"
+ sys_oserr_entry 25, "Type mismatch"
+ sys_oserr_entry 26, "Disc write-protected"
+ sys_oserr_entry 27, "Incompatible drives"
+ sys_oserr_entry 28, "File not open"
+ sys_oserr_entry 29, "File end"
+ sys_oserr_sentinel "Unknown error"
--- /dev/null
+; Stefan Haubenthal, 2011-04-18
+; int __fastcall__ _osmaperrno (unsigned char oserror);
+; /* Map a system specific error into a system independent code */
+ .include "errno.inc"
+ .export __osmaperrno
+.proc __osmaperrno
+ lda #<EUNKNOWN
+ ldx #>EUNKNOWN
+ rts
--- /dev/null
+; jede jede@oric.org 2017-01-22
+; void print (char * str);
+ .export _print
+ .import popax
+ .importzp tmp1
+ .include "telestrat.inc"
+.proc _print
+ stx tmp1
+ ldy tmp1
+ rts
--- /dev/null
+; jede jede@oric.org 2017-01-22
+ .FEATURE c_comments,labels_without_colons,pc_assignment, loose_char_term
+ .export _read
+ .import popax
+ .include "zeropage.inc"
+ .include "telestrat.inc"
+; int read (int fd, void* buf, unsigned count);
+.proc _read
+ sta ptr1 ; count
+ stx ptr1+1 ; count
+ jsr popax ; get buf
+ sta ptr2 ; in order to calculate nb of bytes read
+ stx ptr2+1 ;
+ ; jsr popax ; fp pointer don't care in this version
+ lda ptr1 ;
+ ldy ptr1+1 ;
+ BRK_TELEMON XFREAD ; calls telemon30 routine
+ ; compute nb of bytes read
+ sec
+ sbc ptr2+1
+ tax
+ sec
+ sbc ptr2
+ ; Here A and X contains number of bytes read
+ rts
--- /dev/null
+; 2003-04-13, Ullrich von Bassewitz
+; 2013-07-16, Greg King
+; Screen size variables
+ .export screensize
+ .include "telestrat.inc"
+.proc screensize
+ rts
--- /dev/null
+; jede jede@oric.org 2017-01-22
+ .export _kbdclick1,_oups,_ping,_explode,_shoot,_zap
+ .include "telestrat.inc"
+.proc _kbdclick1
+ ldx #<sound_bip_keyboard
+ ldy #>sound_bip_keyboard
+ rts
+ .byte $1f,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$3e,$10,$00,$00,$1f,$00,$00
+.proc _explode
+ rts
+.proc _oups
+ rts
+.proc _ping
+ rts
+.proc _shoot
+ rts
+.proc _zap
+ rts
--- /dev/null
+; Ullrich von Bassewitz, 2003-08-12
+; unsigned char __fastcall__ _sysuname (struct utsname* buf);
+ .export __sysuname, utsdata
+ .import utscopy
+ __sysuname = utscopy
+; Data. We define a fixed utsname struct here and just copy it.
+ ; sysname
+ .asciiz "cc65"
+ ; nodename
+ .asciiz ""
+ ; release
+ .byte ((.VERSION >> 8) & $0F) + '0'
+ .byte '.'
+ .if ((.VERSION >> 4) & $0F) > 9
+ .byte ((.VERSION >> 4) & $0F) / 10 + '0'
+ .byte ((.VERSION >> 4) & $0F) .MOD 10 + '0'
+ .else
+ .byte ((.VERSION >> 4) & $0F) + '0'
+ .endif
+ .byte $00
+ ; version
+ .if (.VERSION & $0F) > 9
+ .byte (.VERSION & $0F) / 10 + '0'
+ .byte (.VERSION & $0F) .MOD 10 + '0'
+ .else
+ .byte (.VERSION & $0F) + '0'
+ .endif
+ .byte $00
+ ; machine
+ .asciiz "Oric Telestrat"
--- /dev/null
+; jede jede@oric.org 2017-01-22
+ .export _write
+ .import popax
+ .importzp ptr1, ptr2, ptr3, tmp1
+ .include "telestrat.inc"
+; int write (int fd, const void* buf, int count);
+.proc _write
+ sta ptr3
+ stx ptr3+1 ; save count as result
+ eor #$FF
+ sta ptr2
+ txa
+ eor #$FF
+ sta ptr2+1 ; Remember -count-1
+ jsr popax ; get buf
+ sta ptr1
+ stx ptr1+1
+ jsr popax ; get fd and discard
+ ; if fd=0001 then it stdout
+ cpx #0
+ beq next
+ jmp L1
+ cmp #1
+ beq L1
+ ; Here it's a file opened
+ lda ptr1
+ lda ptr1+1
+ lda ptr3
+ ldy ptr3+1
+ rts
+L1: inc ptr2
+ bne L2
+ inc ptr2+1
+ beq L9
+L2: ldy #0
+ lda (ptr1),y
+ tax
+ cpx #$0A ; Check for \n
+ bne L3
+ BRK_TELEMON XWR0 ; Macro send char to screen (channel 0 in telemon terms)
+ lda #$0D ; return to the beggining of the line
+ BRK_TELEMON XWR0 ; Macro ;
+ ldx #$0D
+ inc ptr1
+ bne L1
+ inc ptr1+1
+ jmp L1
+; No error, return count
+L9: lda ptr3
+ ldx ptr3+1
+ rts
NewSymbol ("__ATMOS__", 1);
- case TGT_TELEMON24:
- NewSymbol ("__TELEMON24__", 1);
- break;
- case TGT_TELEMON30:
- NewSymbol ("__TELEMON30__", 1);
+ NewSymbol ("__TELESTRAT__", 1);
case TGT_NES:
DefineNumericMacro ("__ATMOS__", 1);
- case TGT_TELEMON24:
- DefineNumericMacro ("__TELEMON24__", 1);
+ DefineNumericMacro ("__TELESTRAT__", 1);
- case TGT_TELEMON30:
- DefineNumericMacro ("__TELEMON30__", 1);
- break;
case TGT_NES:
DefineNumericMacro ("__NES__", 1);
{ "sim6502", TGT_SIM6502 },
{ "sim65c02", TGT_SIM65C02 },
{ "supervision", TGT_SUPERVISION },
- { "telemon24", TGT_TELEMON24 },
- { "telemon30", TGT_TELEMON30 },
+ { "telestrat", TGT_TELESTRAT },
{ "vic20", TGT_VIC20 },
#define MAP_ENTRY_COUNT (sizeof (TargetMap) / sizeof (TargetMap[0]))
{ "geos-apple", CPU_65C02, BINFMT_BINARY, CTNone },
{ "lunix", CPU_6502, BINFMT_O65, CTNone },
{ "atmos", CPU_6502, BINFMT_BINARY, CTNone },
- { "telemon24", CPU_6502, BINFMT_BINARY, CTNone },
- { "telemon30", CPU_6502, BINFMT_BINARY, CTNone },
+ { "telestrat", CPU_6502, BINFMT_BINARY, CTNone },
{ "nes", CPU_6502, BINFMT_BINARY, CTNone },
{ "supervision", CPU_65SC02, BINFMT_BINARY, CTNone },
{ "lynx", CPU_65SC02, BINFMT_BINARY, CTNone },