rtel [Tue, 28 Mar 2017 03:13:48 +0000 (03:13 +0000)]
Updates to the Cortex-M tickless idle code to reduce clock slippage.
Updates to prevent the vTaskSwitchContext() function being removed from GCC builds when link time optimisation is used.
rtel [Thu, 19 Jan 2017 04:11:21 +0000 (04:11 +0000)]
Update BSP source files for UltraScale Cortex-A53 and Cortex-R5 and Microblaze to the 2016.4 versions.
Correct alignment issue in GCC Cortex-R port that was preventing full floating point usage in interrupts (other ports will be updated likewise).
Update the UltraScale R5 demo to test the GCC Cortex-A9 port layer modification mentioned on the line above.
rtel [Wed, 18 Jan 2017 18:33:48 +0000 (18:33 +0000)]
Correct alignment issue in GCC and RVDS Cortex-A9 port that was preventing full floating point usage in interrupts (other ports will be updated likewise).
Update the Zynq demo to test the GCC Cortex-A9 port layer modification mentioned on the line above.
rtel [Mon, 16 Jan 2017 03:58:51 +0000 (03:58 +0000)]
Enhanced priority dis-inheritance functionality in the case where a task that caused another task to inherit its priority times out before obtain a mutex.
Added test code to GenQTest to test the new priority dis-inheritance functionality.
Allow the default names given to the Idle and Timer tasks to be overwridden by definitions in FreeRTOSConfig.h.
rtel [Wed, 4 Jan 2017 04:48:22 +0000 (04:48 +0000)]
Increase the priority of the Windows threads used by the FreeRTOS Windows port, and, because the threads have high priority and run on the same core, prevent the port running on single core hosts so as to avoid locking up the host.
rtel [Fri, 25 Nov 2016 21:07:56 +0000 (21:07 +0000)]
Update TaskNotify.c to test the condition where a direct to task notification is sent to a suspended task.
Introduce configSTACK_DEPTH_TYPE so the application writer change the type used to specify a stack size from uint16_t to whatever they like. Defaults to uint16_t if not defined.
Introduce configINITIAL_TICK_COUNT to allow users to start the tick count at something other than 0. Used for testing, but overflows can be better tested by setting configUSE_16_BIT_TICKS to 1.
Split xQueueGenericReceive() into xQueueReceive(), xQueuePeek() and xQueueSemaphoreTake() as the first step in refactoring xQueueGenericReceive().
Add Cortex-M3 port layer for Code Composer Studio - previously there was only a Cortex-M4F port.
Introduce configPRE_SUPPRESS_TICKS_AND_SLEEP_PROCESSING() to allow applications to prevent portSUPPRESS_TICKS_AND_SLEEP() being called. Previously the portPRE_SLEEP_PROCESSING() macro could only be used to abort entry into sleep time after clocks had been re-programmed for the distant wake time.
Introduce configRECORD_STACK_HIGH_ADDRESS, which when set will result in both limits of the stack being saved in the TCB to allow enhanced debug capabilities.
Introduce configINCLUDE_FREERTOS_TASK_C_ADDITIONS_H, which allows a user provided header file to be included at the bottom of the tasks.c source file, which can add user functions and access file scope data.
Replace global on/off switches used for lint errors with save/restore switches.
rtel [Tue, 16 Aug 2016 11:38:58 +0000 (11:38 +0000)]
Changes to core code and port layer:
+ Add configASSERT() into ARM Cortex-M ports to check the number of priority
bit settings.
+ Clear the 'control' register before starting ARM Cortex-M4F ports in case
the FPU is used before the scheduler is started. This just saves a few
bytes on the main stack as it prevents space being left for a later save
of FPU registers.
+ Added xSemaphoreGetMutexHolderFromISR().
+ Corrected use of portNVIC_PENDSVSET to portNVIC_PENDSVSET_BIT in MPU ports.
rtel [Mon, 27 Jun 2016 13:13:05 +0000 (13:13 +0000)]
Improvements to the Cortex-M ports:
- Clear the SysTick current value register before starting the SysTick (only required if something uses SysTick before starting the scheduler).
- Ensure atomic operations are thread safe by executing clrex in the context switch.
rtel [Thu, 19 May 2016 13:28:12 +0000 (13:28 +0000)]
Prepare for V9.0.0 release.
+ Set flash wait states on MSP432 demos.
+ Remove use of obsolete IO library in PIC32 demos.
+ Remove obsolete item left on stack of first task to run in the Cortex-M0 ports.
+ Correct IA32 GCC vPortExitCritical() implementation when configMAX_API_CALL_INTERRUPT_PRIORITY == portMAX_PRIORITY.
rtel [Wed, 18 May 2016 19:51:14 +0000 (19:51 +0000)]
Increase the test coverage of the GCC MPU demo that runs in the Keil simulator.
Add an MPU demo that uses the Keil simulator that also uses the Keil compiler.
Correct a few version numbers for files recently added to the repository.
rtel [Wed, 18 May 2016 10:41:28 +0000 (10:41 +0000)]
Add GCC ARM Cortex-M4F MPU port.
Add RVDS ARM Cortex-M4F MPU port.
Increase the size of each buffer allocated to pbufs in the Microblaze lwIP demo to prevent pbufs chaining.
Use _start as the top of the stack for each Microblaze task, rather than NULL, as NULL was causing the Xilinx SDK to try and unwind the stack too far.
rtel [Fri, 6 May 2016 12:40:27 +0000 (12:40 +0000)]
Update some more standard demos for use on 64-bit architectures.
Update the Xilinx Ultrascale+ Cortex-A53 (64-bit) and Cortex-R5 (32-bit) demos to use version 2016.1 of the SDK.
Completely re-generate the Zynq 7000 demo using the 2016.1 SDK tools.
Introduce configUSE_TASK_FPU_SUPPORT into the GCC Cortex-A9 port to allow tasks to have an FPU context by default.
Add MikroC Cortex-M4F port.
xTaskGetTaskHandle() changed to xTaskGetHandle().
Tidy up CEC1302 demo.
Ensure bit 0 of the task address is clear when setting up stack of initial Cortex-M3/4/7 stacks (for strict compliance, although not practically necessary).
vTaskGetTaskInfo() changed to vTaskGetInfo() - with a macro added for backward compatibility.
rtel [Thu, 31 Mar 2016 15:22:10 +0000 (15:22 +0000)]
Remove compiler warning by ensure prvInitialiseMutex() is not included if configUSE_MUTEXES is 0.
Reduce the number of xTaskCreateStatic() parameters by having the function return the task handle, rather than pass the task handle out using a parameter. This is also consistent with other objectCreate() functions.
rtel [Wed, 30 Mar 2016 11:12:06 +0000 (11:12 +0000)]
Update MSP432 projects to use updated driver library files.
Remove references to INCLUDE_pcTaskGetTaskName and INCLUDE_xTimerGetTimerDaemonTaskHandle, which are no longer required.
rtel [Tue, 29 Mar 2016 17:16:34 +0000 (17:16 +0000)]
Make the pcObjectGetName() API function naming consistent - so rename pcTaskGetTaskName() to pcTaskGetName(), rename pcTimerGetTimerName() to pcTimerGetName() and add a #defines in FreeRTOS.h to make the changes backward compatible.
rtel [Tue, 29 Mar 2016 13:07:27 +0000 (13:07 +0000)]
Create minor optimisations (just an asm instruction or two) by using consts in a few places where previously a volatile variable that didn't change was used.
Add the simple xTimerGetPeriod() and xTimerGetExpiryTime() functions.
rtel [Tue, 29 Mar 2016 11:08:42 +0000 (11:08 +0000)]
- Rework the StaticAllocation.c common demo file to reflect the changes to the static allocation object create functions from the previous check-in.
- Correct various typos in comments.
- Add xTimerGetPeriod() function (feature request).
rtel [Tue, 22 Mar 2016 16:23:37 +0000 (16:23 +0000)]
+ The MPU port is not supported in this revision number.
+ The documentation for the static allocation functions in the header files has not yet been updated for this revision.
Kernel updates:
+ Simplify the static allocation of objects implementation.
+ Introduce configSUPPORT_DYNAMIC_ALLOCATION in addition to the existing configSUPPORT_STATIC_ALLOCATION so FreeRTOS can be built without providing a heap at all.
Demo application updates:
+ Update the demos to take into account the new configSUPPORT_DYNAMIC_ALLOCATION constant.
+ Add an MSVC demo that only uses static allocation, and does not include a FreeRTOS heap.
+ Update the MSVC project to use both configSUPPORT_STATIC_ALLOCATION and configSUPPORT_DYNAMIC_ALLOCATION.
+ Update the MingW project to use only configSUPPORT_DYNAMIC_ALLOCATION.
rtel [Wed, 2 Mar 2016 17:45:55 +0000 (17:45 +0000)]
Replace Gecko Simplicity Studio project that had multiple build configurations with one that has a single build configuration and targets the Giant Gecko starter kit. Now there are separate projects for the Giant and Pearl Geckos.
Update the Pearl Gecko project to use the register test tasks that include the FPU registers.
rtel [Wed, 2 Mar 2016 16:03:25 +0000 (16:03 +0000)]
Add Pearl Gecko demo.
Fix build error when configSUPPORT_STATIC_ALLOCATION and configNUM_THREAD_LOCAL_STORAGE_POINTERS were greater than zero at the same time.
Allow the pdMS_TO_TICKS macro to be overridden by a definition in FreeRTOSConfig.h.
rtel [Thu, 18 Feb 2016 10:07:42 +0000 (10:07 +0000)]
Prepare for a FreeRTOS V9 release candidate:
- Remove the standard demo files that used the [long since deprecated] alternative API.
- Add standard demo task that tests the new xTaskAbortDelay() function.
- Update the Win32 Visual Studio project to use Visual Studio 2015 Community Edition.
- Rename the xGenericListItem TCB member to xStateListItem as it better describes the member's purpose.
rtel [Sun, 14 Feb 2016 11:58:11 +0000 (11:58 +0000)]
Core kernel code changes:
+ Added xTaskAbortDelay() function, which causes a task to exit the Blocked state even before the timeout has expired or the event the task is waiting for has occurred.
+ For efficiency and code size reasons on some architectures, replace many instances of "== pdTRUE" with "!= pdFALSE".
rtel [Wed, 10 Feb 2016 12:58:15 +0000 (12:58 +0000)]
FreeRTOS source:
- Major refactor to consolidate the multiple places where a task is removed from a ready list and placed in a delay list into a single function, reducing code size, and enabling the easy addition of up-coming functionality.
- Replace the enum used for task notification states with a uint8_t to reduce the TCB struct size with some compilers, and allow additional members to be added without increasing its size.
- Rearrange FreeRTOS.h so all INCLUDE_ defaults are grouped together.
rtel [Tue, 9 Feb 2016 16:02:54 +0000 (16:02 +0000)]
Kernel source code:
+ Added xPortIsInsideInterrupt() to RVDS ARM CM4F port - the same will get added to other ports in time.
Demo application code:
+ Added first pass Microchip CEC1302 demo for Keil.
+ Harden the new StaticAllocation.c standard demo tasks against integer promotion rules causing problems on 16-bit architectures.
rtel [Wed, 3 Feb 2016 11:58:30 +0000 (11:58 +0000)]
Test the RTC and BURTC tickless implementations on the Gecko parts, and make correct as appropriate.
Replace some references to the older portTICK_RATE_MS macro with the newer pdMS_TO_TICKS() macro in the standard demo files.
rtel [Sun, 31 Jan 2016 20:22:00 +0000 (20:22 +0000)]
Added a build configuration for the Wonder Gecko starter kit to the existing Giant Gecko Simplicity Studio project.
Fix some lint warnings that were generated by some of the new core functionality.
rtel [Thu, 28 Jan 2016 16:59:57 +0000 (16:59 +0000)]
Add vTaskGetTaskInfo() function that allows a TaskStatus_t structure to be returned for an individual task (previously information could only be obtained for all the tasks at once).
Add a member to the TaskStatus_t structure that is used to return the base address of the stack used by the task being queried.
Add xTaskGetTaskHandle() that allows the handle of a task to be looked up from the task's text name.
Continue to document the macros that allow RTOS objects to be created using statically allocated memory.
Introduced vApplicationDaemonTaskStartupHook(), which allows initialisation that that needs to be executed after the scheduler has been started to be executed from the RTOS daemon task.
Call prvResetNextTaskUnblockTime() in xTaskResumeAll() if a task is moved from the pending ready list - this can prevent an unnecessary wake from sleep mode if a task is unblocked by an interrupt while in a low power tickless state.
rtel [Thu, 21 Jan 2016 14:10:04 +0000 (14:10 +0000)]
Provide the ability to create event groups and software timers using pre statically allocated memory - now all RTOS objects can be created using statically allocated memory.
Rename StaticTCB_t to StaticTask_t.
rtel [Wed, 20 Jan 2016 14:04:40 +0000 (14:04 +0000)]
Continue to add the ability to create RTOS objects using static rather than dynamic memory allocation - now including all the semaphore types.
Update the StaticAllocation.c standard demo file to exercise the new static allocation functions.
rtel [Tue, 19 Jan 2016 13:41:28 +0000 (13:41 +0000)]
Implement functionality that allows the memory required to create a queue or semaphore to be allocated statically.
Update the standard demo task that tests statically allocated tasks to also test statically allocated queues.